Closed Waiting It Out

Kyon Lockwood

Twin- Sporty- Confident
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Doxy Wing Core
8/19/2046 (16)
Kyon hated it when Avery had appointments. With his mother taking both Calliope and Avery, he'd asked to wait at the park. She'd been reluctant, but when dad had offered to drop him off she'd agreed. Thrilled, he ran into the park, disappointed to find it empty. Where was everyone? Determined to find something to do, he climbed on top of the swing set and sat on the bars, waiting for someone else to arrive. He knew they would immediately be impressed with him, and he was puffed up just thinking about it.
Marley had been living with Killian for a while now and had enjoyed every second of it. She lived comfortably at home and had liked spending time with her adopted dad. When she was told that she was was allowed to go to the park today, she was too excited that she couldn't miss the opportunity. Once she had arrived at the park, she ran excitedly towards the swing set, not realising that there was a person above her.
Kyon perked up as a pretty girl appeared, and he did his best to try and look imposing. "Who dares to enter my domain?" He shouted down to her, making his voice deeper and more dramatic. He smiled brightly at her to show he was playing, before puffing up his chest and continuing his act. "How dare you approach me, mortal! State your business!"
Marley almost fell off the swing when she heard a voice above her. As she had thought she was alone on the swing set. She giggled it off though. "You scared me!" Marley says with a giggle, covering her mouth a little. The girl starts to swing on the swing as she then looks back up. "I was just swinging silly! Why are you up there?" Marley says as she starts to giggle uncontrollably, Marley thought he was funny.
Kyon smirked as the girl spoke, grabbing hold of the bar and swinging down. He hung there, a good four feet above the ground, and smiled impishly at his new friend. "I am the lord of the swings!" He continued in his dramatic voice. "Tribute must be paid for you to remain in my territory!" He smiled brightly.
Marley got off and sat up excitedly as the boy began to go lower and hang from the bars. "Hello, sir, Lord of the Swings. I am terribly sorry to intrude your territory" Marley says with a giggle as she plays along, bowing slightly to the boy. "How could I ever pay you?"
Kyons eyes lit up as he straightened. "MARLEY!" He roared, darting forward and snatching up his cousin in his arms. He'd completely not noticed it was her until he'd gotten a good look. He tossed the tiny girl over his shoulder, keeping his grip firm so she wouldn't fall as he marched dramatically around the playground. "COME TO USURP MY THRONE! TRAITOROUS COUSIN!" Kyon roared dramatically, having no idea what he was doing but having a blast marching around with his 'prisoner' anyway.
Marley went wide-eyed for a minute as the boy she didn't recognise the boy for a few seconds before she really realised who it was in front of her. The girl started to giggle and wave excitedly at her cousin. She was about to speak when she was suddenly picked up and Kyon started to march around the park with her in his arms. She giggled loudly, no words coming out of her mouth. Just giggles all around, as she was having fun being carried around.
Kyon kept up with his dramatic marching, yelling about treason and mutiny, before finally deciding what he wanted to do. He led her over to an especially soily spot and carefully dropped her to the ground. "You shall help me build your prison, you traitorous leech!" He commanded, dropping to his knees and starting to try and shape the soft dirt. "It shall be taller than us both!"
Marley giggled as she was finally put down on the ground. Though it was on the soil part of the park, which the girl didn't mind. The girl put on a pretend serious face, before saluting to her cousin. "Yes sir!" Marley says, trying not to giggle or smile and nodded, before making her way closer to the soil and got to work with her makeshift prison, trying her best to make it as tall as she could.
Kyon laughed, letting the ruler/prisoner façade fade away as they built their prison. It kept falling over, making them restart, but he didn't mind. "So, Mar, how ya been?" He asked, nudging the girl. "Uncle kill-joy isn't boring you to death, is he?" He teased her with a light wink.
Marley giggled whenever the makeshift soil prison decided to collapse, which she didn't mind. It meant that she could rebuild it once again. She looked up at her cousin as he spoke. "I'm doing okay! I think I'm having a lot of fun though!" Marley says with a big nod and smile. She wasn't lying about that statement either. She had in fact much enjoyed her time here in New Zealand and her life in general. She giggled at what Kyon had said. "Noooooo...." Marley says with a bunch of giggles and shakes her head, as she thinks what he was saying was silly. "He's quite fun!" Marley says with a big smile. She did love her new home and spending time with her dad. "How about you? How are yah?"
Kyon laughed lightly at her statement. "Hey, me too," He agreed, tossing a little bit of dirt at her. He continued building, unable to help but laugh every time she did. He was glad she was having a good time with Uncle Killian. The man had always seemed so serious before, he acted so much nicer with Marley around. "Ah, I'm good, mum's been busy with Calliope and dad's always working, but Avery and me still have fun." He chuckled.
Marley giggled a little as her cousin threw some dirt her way. "Heyyy" Marley says with jokingly laughter before she decided to throw a little of the dirt his way. She smiled as her cousin had spoken about his siblings. "That sounds cool! What's it like having siblings? Are they annoying like people say they are?" Marley says with a giggle. She hadn't really had any siblings before, and she was sort of getting used to the fact that she had older brothers, which she didn't mind.
Kyon smirked and tossed more dirt at her, not minding that it got in her hair. He laughed at her question. "It can be, like, its the same as living with any kid all the time." He shrugged. "I heard Mum talking with uncle though, he likes that lady, who knows, you might end up with siblings yet," He teased her with a wink before sighing. "Babies are loud though," He whined, thinking of Calliope.
Marley laughed loudly as her cousin threw more dirt her way, some of it going onto her hair. She didn't really care if she was being honest. Again, she threw more dirt his way, also getting some dirt into his hair, which Marley hoped that Kyon didn't mind. She giggled a little at the mention of a lady, knowing exactly who it is. "Yesssss, I think soooo" Marley says with a wee bit of teasing. She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they are," Marley says slowly, remembering how loud some of the babies were at the orphanage she was at.
Kyon had given up on building anything and was really just digging a hole, liking the feeling of the dirt between his fingers. He smirked a bit at her words but quickly changed the subject, bored with what they'd been discussing before. "Hey, how old are you?" He asked. "I'm going to Hogwarts next year," he told her.
Marley smiles as her cousin asks how old she is. "I'm seven! I'm turning eight... in May!" Marley says, as she tells Kyon how old she is, as she then counts how many months before how old she'll turn. She gasped excitedly. "Really?! I think it's gonna be fun! It's gonna be a lonngggg time before I go! I wanna do magic!" Marley says excitedly, as she thought about the school she's heard about a few times. "What are you excited about Hogwarts?"
Kyon pouted a bit. Darn, he'd been hoping she'd be at school sooner than that. He chuckled and shook his head at her antics. "Maybe that's why you're so cute," he bopped her nose with his finger. "I'm excited to go make my own name. It's going to be epic!" He declared, nodding sagely. "By the time you get to school, you can just get whatever you want using my name," He promised her.
"Make your own name? What does that mean? Are you gonna try and be a cool person?" Marley asked curiously with a giggle. She was imagining her cousin walking down a castle corridor with cool sunglasses and somewhat a leather jacket trying to be a cool person. She laughed a little. "You think it's gonna happen that way?" Marley asked. Sure, it would be nice to get some of the stuff she wanted. But she thought her cousin was being a bit silly. "They have houses, right? When they say houses, is like an actual building of a house on the castle?"
Kyon laughed lightly at her words. "Marley, baby, I am cool," He winked playfully. He scooped up some dirt, letting it slip through his fingers again. "I don't think, Marls, I know," He reassured her. He nodded at her question, but laughed as she finished, shaking his head. "No, Marley, they aren't building houses on top of the castle, that's silly." He nudged her arm.

"What they mean is like, dorms. Up on the seventh floor there are the Gryffindors, they're supposed to be like, really brave or something. My big brother, Arthur, he's a Gryffindor, and so were our cousins Rose and Ren. Then the Ravenclaws, the really smart creative ones, they're in one of the towers. Ava and Emily, both of my big sisters, they were Ravenclaws," Arthur explained.

"Then there's Hufflepuff, they're like hard workers or something, on like the fourth floor I think, and the only Hufflepuff we've had is Lily, the really nice blond girl that bakes all the time," Kyon thought about it. "The Slytherins are in the dungeons, I don't think we've had any Slytherins in the family yet. Slytherins are like, really clever or something."
Marley giggled a little at her cousin's statement. He thought he was being a bit silly. But whatever float his boat she guessed. "Oh," Marley says, with a laugh, as she flushed with slight embarrassment when her cousin told her about the houses. Her eyes widened with interest as he spoke a little bit of the Hogwarts school. "So there are four houses? They have funny names. What house do you think you'd be in?"
Kyon smiled brightly at what she said, sitting back and flexing. "Gryffindor, of course," He boasted, before stretching out to lay in the dirt, digging a hole. "What about you, Marls, what house do you wanna be in?" He asked. "You strike me as a Hufflepuff," he nodded, sure in his decision of where she'd go.
Marley smiled as Kyon had mentioned the house he thought he'd be sorted into. "What's interesting about Gryffindor?" Marley asked curiously, as she tilted her head to the side. The girl still wasn't sure about Hogwarts or any of the houses they had there. There was so much magical stuff she was still learning about. But she was excited to learn. "You think so? I wonder what Hufflepuff is like" Marley thought with a small smile. She was sure that the school would be so fun, and she was excited to be sorted into a house. But that was a wee while off.
Kyon smiled at her question. "You mean other than that it's the best house ever?" He asked her, winking playfully. He shrugged as she asked about Hufflepuff. "I've heard its got the nicest kids, and the coziest common room, lots of throw pillows and blankets and stuff," He said dismissively. He supposed it could be good, but it wasn't his cup of tea. He was pretty sure Avery was going to be a Ravenclaw, so they would be somewhat close to each other.

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