Closed Trying To Keep Up

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
The year had only just started and still Kiara knew she needed to get on top of things when it came to her studies. If only because it gave her a good excuse to keep away from other people for a moment. Live in her own quiet head and not feel so pressured to be outgoing, make friends. Do everything she knew she had to. Or wanted to try to do at the very least. It just sounded like that would make her so much happier. For now though she was sat in the library with her homework in front of her. She had decided to start with Charms just so she could start reading ahead, make notes on the spells they would be working on this year. If only her pen had thought the same. Kiara had only managed to get a few words down in her notebook when it decided to stop working. To make things better she hadn't brought a spare, which meant it now felt like all her effort of coming to the library would be in vain. Taking a breath she looked around and leaned over to the student closest to her. "Hi. Sorry. Do you happen to have a spare pen? Or a quill. Anything to write with?" She asked carefully, already feeling her cheeks heat up at the idea of bothering someone during their studies.
Akihiro wasn't really as invested in his school studies as he used to be, but he did still want decent grades. He had settled into the library, meaning to review some of his notes from class. He was about halfway through when someone spoke. He looked up, smiling softly at the girl. "Of course," He replied easily, moving to shuffle through his bag. "What are you studying?" He asked conversationally, trying to find where the damned pen had rolled to in the mess of his bag.
Kiara shot the boy a shy smile in return when he smiled at her, glad he hadn't just brushed her off or shushed her for talking in the library. Even if she was being quiet and it wasn't exactly crowded in there today. Not like it was during the time that exams were happening. "Oh, I-uh, was just trying to work on charms." She explained when it seemed like he had some trouble actually finding a pen. She wasn't bothered that he decided to ask her a question while he looked for it but it did make her feel some extra pressure to keep talking. Perhaps that was a good thing. It was what she was trying to get better at after all. "Just a little reading ahead, preparing for the spells we'll be learning."
Akihiro picked his bag up, taking his things out and starting to organize it in search of a writing utensil. "Hey, good plan. Do you want to study together?" He asked, making an A-ha! Face as he pulled out his pencil, offering it out to her. "I've been meaning to go over charms work."
Kiara had been glad for the practice in trying to be more outgoing when the boy kept talking to her, yet she was a little surprised when he offered to study together. "Oh, I- uh.. Would that work..?" She asked carefully, trying to figure things out because she was sure the boy wasn't in her year. Which made it an easy assumption to think he was older. "I mean wouldn't I be working on things you've already covered?" Kiara added before offering him a shy smile when he found a pencil for her to use. "Thanks."
Akihiro chuckled, scooting his chair over and reaching gently for her books. "Hey, review is always good, right?" He offered. "Charms is one of my easier subjects. Besides, isn't it the gentlemanly thing to do, offer to help tutor the younger students?" He gave her an easy smile. "My name is Akihiro Chen," He introduced himself.
Kiara was a little surprised when the boy scooted over and reached for her books, still not entirely sure how studying together would help him in any way. She was sure it'd be useful for herself in one way or another. Even if she didn't specifically think she would need anyone to tutor her. "I'm sure it is. Thanks, a little help might be nice." She replied with a small smile, trying not to sound hesitant. "I'm Kiara." She introduced in return. "Thompson. Kiara Thompson." She corrected herself quickly when she realized he had given her his full name.
Akihiro chuckled, opening up the books and glancing over them. "Kiara is a good name, I like that." He complimented easily. "Were you named after anyone?" He asked. "I always thought it might be nice to have a name with some history." He chattered aimlessly, mostly going over a review plan in his mind.
Kiara watched a little nervously as Akihiro looked at her charms book. She knew this was a good situation for her to try and be more extroverted and yet part of her just wanted to disappear. No matter how nice he seemed. "Oh, I- Thanks." She smiled when he complimented her name, wondering if she should compliment him in return but getting distracted by his follow-up question. "Not that I know of." She replied a little awkwardly. "I'm adopted but my dads kept the name that was left with me." Kiara added, not entirely sure if she needed to elaborate but still feeling the need to explain why she didn't know. "Does your name come from somewhere specific..?"
Akihiro was mentally putting together a lesson, but he spoke easily. "Unfortunately not, but Akihiro means Bright Scholar so I suppose it's a good thing I'm helping with your reviews," He chuckled at his own joke, pulling over his notebook. He flipped to a new page and started writing out a study plan. "So what do you like to do when you aren't studying?" He questioned.
Kiara had to admit she was a little impressed when Akihiro seemed to know the meaning of his own name. Surely, she had heard her own before but she couldn't exactly remember what it meant. Not that it mattered. "We'll see about that." She replied with a small smile, a little surprised by her own response. At least he seemed easy going enough that she was starting to feel more comfortable talking to him. "I like to read." Kiara said with a small shrug, trying to see what he was writing down while he was talking to her. "Gardening too but there's not much to do outside of the Wild Patch." She added. She debated whether she should bring up her ballet lessons but decided against it, not thinking she was any good at those anyways. "What abot you? Or do you usually spend your time helping others study.." She asked carefully.
Akihiro chuckled. "Oh, I mostly study on my own, for subjects outside of what we're taught here." He told her. "You should hang out with my little sister, Aika is really into gardening. My fathers new partner has the most extraordinary greenhouse." He offered easily. "She's been really into plants lately, learning meanings and such."
Kiara was a little surprised to hear Akihiro spend his time studying for subjects they weren't taught at Hogwarts. As if regular classes weren't busy enough. Still, it was admirable. "Oh, I didn't know she was into that." She responded when he mentioned his sister, one of her classmates. "But then again I don't know your sister very well." Kiara added with a soft giggle, intrigued by the idea of what he said next. "That sounds like it would be a sight to see, I can't even imagine the idea of just.. owning an entire greenhouse."
Akihiro chuckled. "Perhaps you could spend more time with her? It would be nice to see her making friends." He offered easily. "If you want, we could all have lunch together tomorrow." He suggested. That would be nice, a lunch with his sister and his new friend. Kiara seemed nice enough, and she could be a good choice to keep his sister company after he graduated.
Kiara took a second to think about what Akihiro said, wondering if his sister would be alright with him trying to make friends for her. "Uh.. yeah. Sure. We could do that." She eventually replied. He seemed friendly so surely hanging out with him and his sister wouldn't be anything bad. And she could definitely use another friend or two. "I- We should probably really get to studying at some point though." Kiara added with a small smile. She enjoyed talking to him but she also knew she needed to actually start revising if she was going stay up to speed.
Akihiro chuckled, and moved to set up a good study session. "Sure thing," He smiled at her, and settled in to go over the review with her.

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