Thinking back

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi walked into the Trophy room. She didn't have to go to class for a while yet, and suprisingly enough, the trophy room was actually empty. Cyndi stepped inside and began to walk around, looking at the trophies and thinking about the memories they brought back of her first years here at the school. Although she had tried not to think about it too much over the summer, being in this room reminded Cyndi of the fact that this was her final year. Even though it was very sad in some ways, especially since Cyndi would be leaving friends behind when she graduated, in other ways she was very excited to graduate and enter the "real world."

Because of all of that, Cyndi hoped to make the most of this year. She knew she would have NEWTs to take at the end of the year, and even though those wouldn't be fun, there was still plenty to look forward to this year: The halloween dance, the yule ball, graduation...
Avrille was coming back to the castle after her first Herbology lesson with her Uncle Kalif, when the dumb staircases slid over to the third floor corridor instead of the towers, where she wanted to go so she could get her homework finished for Kalif. She rolled her harlequin green eyes to herself, and decided she would just go see if there were any passageways like her Mama had told her there was.

As the pale child walked along a glimmer of gold and silver caught her eyes, dancing against her pale cheeks. She shrugged her awkwardly boyish shoulders and walked into the room. Upon entrance she saw that she was in the infamous trophy room. She rolled her eyes at the thought of Hogwarts, such a pathetic school, unlike Durmstrang. "Hmph," Avrille grunted before realizing that an older student was in the room. She looked over at the girl semi-curiously, but her face held no expression as per usual. Emotion was weakness after all.

Hope you don't mind Cyndi ^^
As Cyndi turned to look at the trophy's on the other side of the room, she saw that she no longer was alone in the room, "Oh hey" Cyndi said to the young girl who was now in the room who looked to be a first year or second year. "'I'm Cyndi...I don't think we've met before. How's your first week going?"

((not at all... ))
Avrille looked up to the older girl's eyes, her harlequin orbs sparkling coldly all the while. "Hello," she muttered with her cold Russian accent coming out clearly. The Ravenclaw hugged her books tighter to her body, as she bowed her head respectfully when the girl introduced herself as Cyndi. Yes, Avrille was mean, but she also knew not to mess with those older then herself in such an infamiliar place. "It would have been quite unlikely for us to have met, as I am a first year," she stated. "As unpleasant as any other," she answered bluntly. "Tell me," she began, but not at all ordering the girl named Cyndi. "Why are Hogwarts students so.. unbareable," she finished, not at all caring if she was insulting Cyndi, it wasn't like they were ever going to talk again, unless in passing, they did, afterall, have such a large age difference.
((so sorry I forgot about this :( ))

Cyndi stared at the girl, startled by her coldness. She wasn't being disrespectful, but Cyndi was still a little insulted as she called the Hogwarts students unbearable. She had known most of them to be kind and warm toward each other. Cyndi took a quick glance at the girl's robes half expecting to see a Slytherin badge attached, but was surprised when she instead saw a Ravenclaw one.

"Well, I haven't found them to be "Unbearable." In fact, I think once you get to know your classmates you'll probably change your mind. Perhaps, you haven't met the right people" Cyndi said matter-of-factly.

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