🌹 Rose Giving Sunny Badgers

Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
15 (2/24/2046)
This list was easier than he'd thought it would be. He recognized the next name on his list as well, an older girl that ran the history club. He went back to the common room, smiling and pleased to see her there. "Hey, excuse me, Aine?" He asked, walking up to her with a friendly smile.
Aine had barely even expected one rose, and yet the fates had seen fit to deliver her several. Even a pink one, which she had tied up in a ribbon with the couple of yellow roses she'd received. Even the one she assumed was from Cameron - unless someone else thought she was a know-it-all. Which was quite possible and likely that everyone actually hated her guts and the roses were some kind of grand prank. And yet, she fidgeted with the ribbon on her makeshift bouquet, trying to shove down the warm feelings in her chest at the idea that people had thought of her and sent her roses. "Er, yes, hello, that's me..." she blinked a couple of times. "Roses, or something I can actually help with?" she asked, giving a slightly forced laugh.
Zerrin chuckled. "Roses," He offered easily, flashing the yearbook. "I researched, so I know who I'm looking for." He put the yearbook back and grabbed a yellow rose. "This is for you," He told her, holding it up.
Aine couldn't help the smile that crossed her face at his comment. "Very clever of you," she said, approvingly. "And here's where I complain that the yearbook photos always make my nose look too big, or something." She took the rose, nodding at the boy in thanks. "Is there a note?"
Zerrin nodded, digging through the basket a moment before pulling it up again. "Yes, here," He offered it out with an easy smile.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Aine gave something of a stiff nod, glad this note wasn't as harsh as the one she'd received from presumably Cameron. Which she totally deserved, she knew. And now she felt a little awkward about the one she'd sent Margo, but she was glad she'd actually remembered to send one to her. And it probably meant that it wasn't Margo sending that one she assumed was from Cameron but wasn't 100% sure. She shook her head. "Thanks, this is nice," she said, as politely as she could. "Um, happy Valentine's, I guess."
Zerrin chuckled. "Happy valentines!" He offered easily, giving her a little wave before starting away again.

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