
Ellie Sparks

Well-Known Member
Maple 12 3/4 Inches with Essence of Silver Thistle
Ellie walked into the great ahll and headed for the Gryffindor table.
She was still tired having not gone to bed till late the night before, but was desperately hungry.
Sitting down at the table she helped herself to pancakes and syrup with sausages, orange juice and a muffin, then began to eat.
Looking around she realised the Gryffindor able ewa basically empty, except for a few boys at the far end of the table.
Amy had woken early but decided to see if she could cram some revision in. She had sat in the furthest corner of the common room, and not long ago had noticed Ellie coming down and heading out of the common room. Putting her revision away she slowly padded down after her, realising she was heading into the Great Hall.
Following some distance away she gave Ellie a minute to sit down and adjust before entering the Hall herself.
"Morning, someones up early" she said grinning, sitting next to Ellie and treating herself to some bacon and eggs this morning.
"Hey Amy" Ellie said, grinning up at Amy. "Yeh, i was starving, woke up with a rumbeling belly" She told her, "How about you?"
"I'm always up early so early breakfasts are good with me!" she said happily, munching her way through her bacon and eggs. "So many plans for today then?" she asked, making conversation.
"Nope, none atall. Well i guess ill need to revise a bit, so if the weathers nice ill do it by the lake, Yourself?" Ellie asked Amy smiling.
"Sounds like a plan, I might go and so some flying actually, haven't been in a while" she said happily, thinking about the open air.
"Thats a good idea actually, i havent been flying in ages either" Ellie said, thinking of the last time shed been flying. Since classes had stopped for exams she hadnt really done much atall.
"Well if you want you could always join me?" Amy asked, happily eating her bacon and eggs.
"Sure, if you wouldnt mind" Ellie said smiling and finishing off her sausage.
"Definently, its always nice to have some company" she said with a smile, finishing her bacon and eggs at last. She reached over and grabbed the jug of orange juice, pouring herself some.
"Definitely" Ellie saind grinning, biting into her blueberry muffin.
"So are you doing much over christmas?" Amy asked Ellie, looking roound at the still relatively empty hall.
"Not really. I think ill stay here for christmas, since its my first year. How about you" Ellie asked Amy, trying to smile while stuffing her face.
Amy chuckled slightly at the sight of Ellie eating with immense enthusiasm."I'm not too sure actually, haven't heard back from the family about it all" she said, manking a mental note to write to her dad.
"Kool" Ellie said smiling, "So were do you come from anyway" She asked Amy.
"Oh I come from London, England!" Amy replied to Ellie's question. "How about yourself?" she asked, returning Ellies question, while sipping at her orange juice.
"Im a londoner too" Ellie replied grinning and popping her last piece of muffin into her mouth.

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