Sneaking out continued, [closed]

Bellatrix Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bellatrix lead Athen up to the third floor corridor, lucking never being caught. She glanced back at Athene. "You know what...I think we should do something....something worth while of sneaking out."
Athene grinned, "I agree." She guessed that they must be about 10 minutes ahead of Weiss, considering the time it would have taken the professor to get back to the Dungeons and realize they had already left.
"What do you suggest? I reckon we should get a bit further from the Dungeons first, though. Come on."

Athene tugged at Bellatrix's sleeve, and began to walk swiftly through the corridor. They past the Charms class and the Trophy room, and eventually came to another set of stairs.

((OoC: Sorry for the minor Godmode. I explained in PM. I can edit it if you want :) ))
((ha ha.

If we...uh... 'forget' to finish this roleplay before the end of the year, do we still get detention? ^_^))
ooc: Good point, actually I think detention with us both might be quite interesting. Oh and we can continue if Athene has decided on a statement to write.
(((I am okay with whichever way this goes. And Bella, do you really think I would put you both in detention at the same time? :p )))
((Aww, you wouldn't? That takes the fun out of it :(

And Bella, I sent you a list! I thought you were going to pick one?))
ooc: Belle, so sad... :(

and Athene, Oh I didn't know...hmmm sorry....why don't you pick your favorites (because there was a lot) and I shall pick mine, I will do it later though, tonight it is too late for me.
"I have an idea..." Bellatrix suddenly said to Athene and through many exhilarated whispers of their new plan, they were off to the Great Hall.

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