Random walk [between both sitting around's]

Blake Zepline

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Blake walked beside Lily, not saying anything at all. It wasn't that late out, so he strolled on with his gaze averted at the ground.
Lily noticed that Blake was rather distracted, and wondered if it had anything to do with the girl at the pub.

"What's wrong? You look like your best friend just died." she asked.
"Ha, well you could put it that way I guess," Blake said with a sigh.
Lily stopped walking and looked at Blake. "Wanna talk about it? I am a pretty good listener." She started to put her hand on his arm, then realized that was not a 'just friends' thing to do, so she put her partially extended arm back down.
"It's quite complicated really," Blake said, not sure if telling Lily about the situation between him and Pez was a good idea. Considering she had a big part to do with it, "and anyway it's fine. Thanks for offering to listen though."
Lily gave Blake a smile. "Not a problem. I am always here to listen." She knew that Blake was holding something back from her, but really didn't want to push. It was not her place. "So, the weather is pretty nice today." She felt silly chatting about the weather, but she wasn't quite sure what to say.
"The weather?" Blake said, a bit distracted, "oh, I didn't notice."
Lifting his gaze at the sky, he saw the sun was out and there weren't any signs of clouds. But that wasn't important to Blake, he could care less if it rained right then. Letting his gaze slip back to the ground, Blake couldn't help but feel worse. He was here with Lily, the girl he obviously liked. While Pez was... somewhere. He was beginning to worry more and more with every step he took.
"Hey Lily, you don't..." Blake paused. More than anything he wanted to be here with Lily, but still in the back of his mind, all he could think about was Pez. Wondering whether she was okay or not. Taking another long breath he continued, "You don't mind, if I suddenly ran off?" Foolish question, he thought. He was practically going to ditch Lily, and he didn't want to and was hoping that wasn't what it seemed to her most of all.
Lily could tell that Blake was distracted as they continued to walk. He seemed to be looking for someone. Probably the girl that ran out crying. Hopefully she is okay and Blake is okay. He asked her if she was okay if he ran off on her. "Um, yeah, I guess that's okay. I have homework to get to anyways." Lily said in reply. "Are we still on for tomorrow at the pitch?"
With a wave of relief, Blake was glad Lily didn't mind.
"Thanks Lily," he said, and gave her a random hug.
With that, he ran off down the lawn, search for Pez. He needed to see her, make sure that she was okay. Turning as he ran off, he waved to Lily in the distance, then disappeared.
Lily was relieved when Blake gave her a hug out of nowhere. She watched as he ran off down the lawn, and smiled when he turned to wave at her before he disappeared into the distance. She headed up to the Ravenclaw common room to get some of her homework done so she can go flying tomorrow on the pitch.

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