Open Pretend Knights On a Pretend Quest

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie had come to the library with Aurora and Branson, but quickly had become bored. There was only so much reading in silence that she could do. She'd grown bored quickly sure, but she had tried. The gryffidnor had in the end decided to under the guise of helping her dad go do something else. So she'd agreed to put away a couple of books. She was moving about the aisles of the library, brandishing books likes they were swords, and in her head she was a knight in a dense forest and she had to find her way or the forest would drive her mad. She hid behind shelves and crept to the next aisle. Rosie knew she probably shouldn't be doing this, but she couldn't help it. She was bored and this was a fun little game.
Aine quietly wondered if there were any great wizarding novels to read. Of course she would never have heard of any, but she wondered if there was a great wizarding fictional canon or something. Or maybe some of the great authors had been witches and wizards. All the forms of magic in books she read didn't seem to align with anything she'd read though, so maybe not.

Still, it would've added interest to the dreary shelves of textbooks she found herself wandering through, standing on her toes to reach higher shelves to see if any titles interested her. She stretched a leg out, as though she was a graceful ballerina. Of course, she was anything but, but it was nice to pretend.

She hummed a couple of notes to herself, bringing herself back down to the ground. Opening her eyes, she noticed a girl she recognized from some of her classes sneak in to between the shelves, and sank back down, embarrassed. "You didn't see anything, did you?" she whispered.
Rosie gasped a little loudly when another person whispered. She hadn't expected to see anyone much less have them spell. She hadn't been paying too much attention until that moment. She recognised the girl, she was in her year, not gryffindor, but Rosie couldn't mind which she was in. She shook her head quickly. "Nothing," she whispered back, she knew she was holding the book in a certain why and then cleared her throat a little. "I'm just putting away some books....," her sentence trailed off, "Lost in my own world, didn't see a thing," she motioned to her head and gave a somewhat nervous smile, she had known there were other people in the library but she hadn't thought she'd run into them, or that they'd ask if she'd seen anything.
Aine thought it was a kind of strange way to hold a book, and her eyes darted to it for a second before forcing herself to make eye contact. It was still something she struggled with, but she had to try. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," she hurriedly apologized, although it wasn't as though she wasn't well withinher rights to be looking at books. She wasn't exactly finding anything to spark her interest, and was quite frankly bored. "Do you...need a hand putting books away?" She asked, before quickly wincing. "Or someone to put books in weird places so you have more work?"
Rosie gave a little apologetic smile, "it's okay," she assured quickly, not wanting the girl to feel bad about startling her, she hadn't been paying attention. She looked down at the books that she was holding and gave a little shy expression, "I was....kind of....pretending to be a knight....while putting the books away," She told her, "I wouldn't mind the help.....but that's what I was doing." she admited, she wouldn't mind the help, but felt like she should explain it at least a tiiny little bit, which would likely help explain why she'd be stood like that.
Aine relaxed a little at that. She wondered if the other girl might feel embarrassed about what she was doing, but it didn't really bother Aine. "That sounds...really fun, actually," she admitted, earnestly. It was hard not to have to pretend to be super grown up being off at boarding school all alone when really they were all still kids. The weight of expectation was already a heavy burden. She picked up a book she'd managed to pull off one of the high shelves and brandished it like a sword. "Thy noble quest be-eth not yet...finished-eth."
Rosie was quite relieved when this girl said it sounded fun, and then even joined in. She giggled lightly, looking behind her to where she'd left her siblings and her dad. She brandished her own book like a sword and with a little giggle said, "Yes-eth, we must head towards the north most star," she proclaimed feeling a liittle silly but not so much that she would stop. She motioned to a direction, "Be wary, good Knight, of....of....evil goblins," she said, having struggled to come up with something that could be lurking, goblins was wrong probably to pick but it was what her mind had supplied.
Aine felt a genuine smile cross her face. It was an odd feeling, when she was normally so sullen and almost perpetually frowning. Then again, messing around and playing games was a bit alien. The other girls at her school had mostly started chasing boys, and Aine had had no interest in that yet. She did kind of like acting, but had never really engaged in it beyond drama class.

"Ah, aye, these goblins are...a plague upon our lands." She wasn't that used to coming up with things on the spot but she certainly intended to try so as not to disappoint. She looked around, hoping no one was staring. "We must find the...uh, most sacred book." She picked up another book to try and be a shield. It really didn't work, as she had to hold it under her arm, but she'd try anyway.
Rosie giggled lightly at the words, she knew this was difficult and clearly there was no easy way to come up with this sort of stuff. It was tricky and just not a challenge she had really faced before now. But it was fun. She was having just a tiny shred of fun and that was what mattered. ”Yes!” she agreed trying to keep up with the same old timey voice. ”I think I saw it down that way,” she pointed in a random direction, away from the spot of the library they were in. She wasn’t sure if they would find anything easily but Rosie was more than willing to go along with it for the time being. She took a step towards it, and made sure that she was stepping as lightly as possible. ”We must remain quiet,”
This was nice, thought Aine. She didn't know why she was somehow able to have decent interactions with people in the library but she certainly couldn't complain. Somehow it was easier to talk to people without the pains of introductions, mostly cause she always seemed to put her foot in it when she did. She nodded at the other girl, doing a pantomime movement of placing her finger to her lips for quiet...and almost managed to drop the books in the process, flailing her arms a bit to pick them back up. "Sorry!" she whispered, stepping very quietly once she had the books back in hand.
Rosie giggled a little as the girl flailed her arms but caused the books to drop. She was quick to help the girl get the books back and then shook her head. "It's okay," she said with a sincerety in her tone that indicated that she did mean what she said even though, given the circumstances it wasn't all that necessary. "Let's go!" she whisper, moving forward slowly to be mindful of the girl with her, she didn't want to rush off ahead and lose her, this was now a game they were playing together.
Aine wasn't exactly speedy, especially as she was pantomiming being stealthy while brandishing a book as a weapon. Still, since she'd kind of imposed herself on her classmate she was determined to keep up. She looked around, wondering if anyone was watching them. She kind of hoped they weren't, but if they were, did it matter? She was nobody at this school. It wasn't like she had all her siblings to fail to live up to. The other girl had a twin, didn't she? They always seemed to be together in the classes they shared. "Forsooth, thou art, uh, from the noble house of thou not?" she whispered, thinking she should at least be polite. It was perhaps easier to make conversation from behind a character.
Rosie glanced as they silently, or mostly silently moved forward further into the library. She glanced at her and then gave a little smile. "Aye! Yes!" she exclaimed in a whisper. "Thy name is Rosie, what is yours kindeth knight?" she was trying her best to say the words in the same way that she had but was stumbling over them, getting them occasionally wrong and not quite saying them right, though trying her best. She was enjoying it, it was a little different and it was way more fun than studying.
Aine quickly stifled a giggle, remembering that they had to be quiet. It was nice that the other girl - Rosie - was engaging with her and playing along (although she supposed Rosie had started it in the first place, but still, the fact that she hadn't told Aine to go away or stop speaking weirdly was a plus). " name is, uh, be-eth? Aine. It's Aine." She shook her head with a light shrug. While she liked the idea of acting, it certainly wasn't her forte.
Rosie gave a little nod, Aine introduced herself and she was smile. "Nice-th to meet thy Knight Aine," Rosie said, since just because they were pretending to be knights didn't mean she couldn't still be polite and it was nice to meet someone and mess around with someone like this. She took a look around and then pointed in a general direction. "Down that way, I can sense it!" she exclaimed in a whisper, she knew that was where the book in her hand should eventually go, so while it was fun to place, she knew she did need to eventually get it back to where it needed to go.
Aine gave a very over the top mock bow, before nodding and following Rosie in the direction of the appropriate shelf. This certainly made doing library chores that little bit more exciting, she thought. She'd volunteered in her school library back home a couple of times and it had been a very dull experience, plus she'd gotten in trouble for pausing to browse books and getting distracted from what she was actually meant to be doing. She hadn't really seen anything she wanted to browse, though, at least - there seemed to be a lot less fiction and a lot more referencing. "Careful, brave knight - I will watch for trouble on the horizon."
Rosie gave a little giggle at Aine's over the top bow, finding it fun. Truly enjoying the fact someone was engaging with her on this. She then paused as she spoke and nodded. "I will brave sir Aine," she said a little awkwardly feeling like she should probably said ma'am or something else. She ventured away from Aine a couple of steps before glancing back. "Oh no, there are lots of....pixies," she exclaimed, pretending to use the book to fight against the non-existent pixies which had supposedly crept upon her. Rosie knew she was so close to getting this done but it was much more interest to be playing around and she didn't really want to stop just yet.
Aine forced back another giggle, remembering that she had to be quiet but she was having fun for a nice change. "Wait, pixies are actually a thing?" she muttered, breaking character for a moment before awkwardly coughing. "Uh, yes, I mean, verily...en garde!" She turned around, brandishing the book a little more carefully so as not to drop it, waving it as though she was fighting off pixies. Not that she actually knew what pixies looked like, at least real magical ones, only the idea she had from muggle fiction.
Rosie hadn't thought about the fact people might not knowing what Pixies were, she knew it and had seen some at least once, but forgot that others might not. "Oh yes," she replied quickly before it seemed that Aine just continued to pretend fight the pixies. She continued to pretend to fight the pixies as the other girl did. She stopped after a moment. "I think they're all good, that was so good fighting, Knight Aine," Rosie compliment quietly.

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