Closed Midnight Sun

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
After the ball, Thomas fit into his plan, which could only be fulfilled immediately after the whole event and when no one else was next. He got Allison by the hand, then went up the stairs to the North Tower, because there would be no one at all. On climbing the last steps, Thomas held the girl's hand for a moment, then released to go and sit on the windowsill. ''There is a beautiful view from here. Come on, look.'' He said, calling Allison to sit next to him. He did not immediately want to reveal his reason for bringing her here, but the time was short for them, but they could still spend some time, because it would certainly not be possible to do so in the common room at the moment.

@Allison Beckett
Allison held the skirts of her dress in her hand, the other in Thomas', following as he moved them up the stairs and to the towers. She was giggling and out of breath, pleased with how their night had gone. She moved over to where he sat, shifting her dress and sitting next to him. She looked out to the skies, and couldn't help but sigh softly. "It really is beautiful," she breathed, reaching over unthinkingly to slide her hand into his.
Thomas did not take his eyes off the girl. The night was not over yet, but he hoped that its continuation would be worth not forgetting this night. He turned away from Allison for a moment and looked up at the sky. It was already possible to see in the sky that the stars were becoming brighter and brighter. He looked at the girl and smiled as her shelves touched his hand. ''However, it can not overshadow the beauty of you. '' Thomas said, then leaned over and kissed her. For a little longer he wanted to prolong the night.
Allison blushed at his words, giggling a little shyly. She was going to tell him he was a smooth talker, but he kissed her before she could. She melted against him, kissing him back easily and bringing a hand up to lay gently on his chest. She broke away and sighed softly, smiling and moving to lay her head on his shoulder. "I had a really good time tonight, Thomas,"
Thomas noticed in the dim light that the girl blushed as far as he could see. He stroked her cheek as she looked at him after the kiss. He smiled at Allison as she put her head on his shoulder. ''I had a really good time tonight. Allison, I want to ask you if you're going to be my girlfriend?'' He asked, but his jacket pockets took out a small bag.

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