
"Well you know most of the girls there are Veela's so it would be natural for there to be a rather handsome student body," Nina said with a kind smile knowing she had just stated the obvious. "Do you know if she will be staying at Beauxbatons over the holidays?" Nina asked curiously.
"Veelas indeed," Yvan agreed with a soft laugh. "Though I would be overly surprised if even half of them were Veelas. I hear their numbers are dwindling these days. Seeing as Veela men are thought to be myths."
Nina nodded and said jokingly, "What about Durmstrang, it seems there is something in the water over there or do they only accept only good looking students?"
Yvan laughed, flattered. "Oh but of course! We have full body inspections as enrollment. But in all seriousness, I do not think we have students of Veela ancestry at Durmstrang. What about either Hogwarts?"
Nina laughed with Yvan then blushed a little, he was attractive that was obvious but there really was nothing between them. "There are a few, here and there," Nina said not mentioning Isabella at all, she had a hard enough time with everything.
"And New Zealand?" he asked Violet. "But anyway, are either or both of you planning on attending the Yule Ball? It is all the rage on the Durmstrang boat."
"I have to go, starting the cerimonies you know..." Nina said with a smile.
"Right! Sorry, forgot about that tradition. You looking forward to it?"
"No worry, I'm kinda nervous, I'm not much of a dancer," Nina said with a small smile and asked curiously, "Are you going?"
Violet shrugged. "I wouldn't know, never really paid much attention to the other students in terms of appearance," she said, a little self-consciously. "Oh yeah, I read about the champions having to start the dancing. I'm sure everyone will be awed by your presence as the champion that they won't actually pay attention to your dancing," she said, kindly. "I don't really want to go to the ball, but my little brother and the girl he's going with are forcing me to," she explained.
Nina chuckled at Violets second comment and said, "Oh you flatter me, but wait and see it will probably be the funniest thing you will ever see."

"Oh I am sure you will have a lot of fun even if your brother and girlfriend are making you go," Nina said with a smile then realised she said younger Nina felt that having a boyfriend or a girlfriend at 11 and 12 was a silly, there was absolutely no point to it, its like getting married and having kids at 14.

"So do either of you have a date?" Nina asked curiously.
Violet shook her head. "I don't. There's hardly anybody to go with. All the guys are taken," she explained, with a dramatic sigh. "I suspect both of you have dates?" she stated, partially as a question, but mostly as a statement of fact. She was the Hogwarts Scotland champion, and he was a good-looking Durmstrang boy, so it stood to reason that they'd both have dates to the ball.
((I'm going to assume this took place before Yvan found himself a date. :) ))

"I don't have a date yet," Yvan said with a soft smile. "Good on you though Violet. I have a sister a year younger than you, and I cannot stress how distraught I would be if by your age she was already in the habit of dating."
"I do," Nina said while blushing. "I agree with Yvan, it would be quite silly to start dating at your age," Nina said with a nice smile. She was still a light pink but was returning to her natural pigment.

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