Kat is bored!

Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
Kat walked out to the lawn. It was a bright sunny day without a cloud in sight. Kat walked over to a tree and took a seat under it in the shade. She pulled out her sketch book and started to draw the other trees and rose bush as fall began..
Sam spotted Kat sitting down under a tree doing what looked like drawing.He walked up from behind her so he wouldn't block her light.When he was close for her to here him Sam said"Hey."."Am I interrupting something?"Sam asked hoping he wasn't getting in the way of something important.
Kat reconginzed Sam's voice before she ever turned around. "Hey you!" she said turning to smile at him. "No I was just bored and decided to draw. You wanna sit down and talk?" she asked.
"I didn't know you could draw."Sam exclaimed."So what have you been up to?"He asked trying to get a conversation going.
Kat shrugged. "You never asked." she said simply as she kept drawing. She enjoyed talking while she drew. "Nothing much...Ive been kinda swamped with homework..." she said with a quick smile at him. "What about you?"
"Yeah good point."Sam said."I'm trying to keep up with my homework too."Sam took a short puase before he continued."So you know the Yule Ball is coming up right?"
Kat looked up from her drawing. It was finished and actually looked more like a photograph than a drawing. She smiled as she turned her attetion to Sam. "Yes Im really excited about it. I have a dress but no date yet." she said wondering where he was going with this.
"Well I was wondering if...if...."Sam couldn't find the right words to say so he instead stoped talking.
Kat turned the page in the sketchbook and began a new picture. This time it would be of Sam. She grinned as her stuttered. She got butterflies in her stomach. "Whats that you were wondering?" she asked even though she thought she had a good idea of what it was.
Kat grinned broadly. She hadnt thought anyone would ask her. "I would love to Sam!" she answered honestly.
"Great!!"Sam exclaimed."Well now I have to look for something to wear."Sam inquired."And I suppose you will be wanting this."He said as he held out the pink rose he had both at Hogsmead General Store.

(((I have to go.Sorry.)))
Kat gasped at the rose. She wasnt expecting that at all. "Oh my...Thank you" she said taking the rose from him. It was really pretty. "My dress is a bright blue like my eyes. If that helps at all." she told him. She put some finishing features on her drawing before she could turn it around so Sam could see it. It was a picture of him after all.
"I'm glad you like it."Sam said."Yes, I guess that helps alot that way I won't get there wearing a brown suit or something."
Kat grinned. "Glad I could be of some help" she said with a flirty smile. "So how do you like your picture?" she asked as she showed it to him.
"It's perfect!"Sam said in astonishment to how it looked almost identical to him except the part that is was on a piece of paper.
Kat giggled. "Well Im glad you like it...Drawing and painting are sort of a hobby." she said as she tore out the picture and handed it to him.
"I haven come to figure that out."Sam said as he took the sheet with the drawing from Kat's hands.
Kat's heart skipped a beat as Sam's fingers accidentally brushed hers as he accepted the drawing. "So whats your favorite thing to do?" she asked quickly to cover up her nerves.
Sam felt as his fingers brushed against Kat's."Well I like to play sports." was basically the first thing that came to his mind.
Kat got butterflies in her stomach. "Any sport inparticular? in my family its football.." she said with a smile.
Kat grinned. "Well Cam and Kiera play all the time. Kiera might not look it but she's tougher and better than most of the boys. I play with them sometimes but not quite as much. I danced too much." she said with a smile and a shrug.

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