Interviewing for the Newspaper

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Katalina made her way into the Great Hall with her bag flung over her shoulder. She found an empty area of one of the tables and took a seat. Katalina pulled out her notepad and a pen so that she would be ready to take notes once all of her interviewees had arrived. She was hoping that they would all actually show up around the same time so that she wouldn't have to be here all day doing interviews or have to come back another day. She was wanting to make a good impression since she had been asked to write for Hogwarts Monthly by one of her housemates. Katalina began to doodle on her notepad and whistle to the tune of Do you know the muffin man? whilst she waited patiently.
Hilary snuck up behing Kat, "Oh course I know the muffin man..... because I AM the muffin man!" she said over her shoulder and then walked around to sit at the table. "So who are we waiting for?"
Courtney approached the table and took a seat next to Hilary. She grinned to herself, proud that she was picked to be interviewed for the newspaper. She realized she was an obvious choice, as she had worked at Gladrags for most of her time spent at Hogwarts. I wonder if Bruin will be showing up here as well?

With a nervous sigh, Courtney looked up at the other girls present. "Hello there, girls."
Kat screamed loudly as Hilary snuck up behind her and then quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard her. "You will so pay for that dearly Miss Grace!" she said with a crooked little grin on her face and then bust out laughing. Just as Kat was about to answer Hilary's question, Courtney walked up and greeted them both. "Hey Courtney!!" she said with a smile. Kat waited for Courtney to take her seat and then looked at both the girls and said, "Now all we have left is Lily Potter.
Lily had received an invitation to meet Kat in the Great Hall. She wasn't too sure what was all happening with this interview, but she was willing to go and find out. She walked in and saw that Kat was there already, with Hilary and Courtney. Well, this can't be too bad then, she thought with a giggle. She hurried over to the table. "Hey ladies. What's up?"
Kat smiled at Lily as she came over to the table. "Hey Lily! Well let's see we can mark you off of my list of invites since you're here now!" said Kat as she marked a check next to Lily's name on her list. "Well i'm assuming that you all know that you're here to be interviewed for the school's monthly newsletter. Am I correct in that assumption?" she asked half jokingly.

((ooc: sorry guys i'm off to bed for the night and i'll try to get back to this one ASAP RSVP and all those other ones :p ))
Hilary sat down next to Kat and smiled at the others "Okay, well I must have missed your message, but I'm going to hang out anyways." She had of course known why they were here, but just enjoyed playing with her friends.
"You didn...why do I have a sneaky suspicion that you're being a big fat liar!" Kat smirked at Hilary. "Nice one Hil, very nice!!"
"Haha, yes so anyways I'm glad you are atleast getting on with your article. I don't even know what the others are planning on writting about." Hilary smiled again and turned to the others.
"Really? Hmm, maybe i'm just an overachiever then!" said Kat semi-jokingly. "Well since we are all here would you like to know what it is you are being interviewed about?" she said with a big goofy grin, but before allowing anyone to respond she said, "The interview is to find out what are your views on constipation!" She looked seriously at the three girls, but was dying from laughter on the inside.
Lily gave Kat an odd look. "Constipation? What the --?" She started to laugh. "Tell me you are joking." She seriously hoped that she was, because she was not going in the paper talking about poop.
Kat couldn't hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing. "Of course i'm kidding! I wouldn't seriously so an interview on that. I'm actually going to be asking you guys a few questions or rather getting your opinion on muggle and wizarding fashions." Kat waited for a response before she continued on.
When Katalina mentioned constipation, Courtney didn't say anything, but looked around at the other girls with wide eyes. Okay Courtney, whatever you do, don't laugh.

When Katalina stated it was just a joke, Courtney let out a small sigh of relief and giggled. "Oh, fashion. As if I don't get enough of that at work already!"
Kat looked in Courtney's direction and replied with a goofy grin, "And thats why I thought you would be a perfect candidate for this article." She took her quill in her hand and put it to the notepad ready to take notes on the girls thoughts. "So Courtney, which do you prefer muggle clothing or wizarding clothing. Think as far as looks, style, and even comfort. Same question to you two as well." She nodded toward Lily and Hilary.
Hilary though hard "Well doing the yearbook you look at a lot of pictures of people and every photo has different clothing. Even the way people wear the uniform is different. I think that muggle clothing helps people be a little more independant and the options are so wide, especially for girls that you can wear dresses, jeans, other pants, skirts or even something in the middle like a skort. I for one growing up half muggle, half wizard am used to strange combinations of medium robes over normal clothing, almost as in a sweater. I enjoy being able to change it up." Hilary stopped for air and then realized that her answer had been rather fast and long so she leaned back in her chair turning slightly pink.
Courtney nodded at Katalina as she asked the question, and chuckled at Hilary's answer. She had always preferred Wizarding clothing over muggle wear, not because of style, but because of convenience. "To be perfectly honest Kat, I much prefer Wizarding clothing to muggle fashions. I mean, muggle clothing is so tight fitting, that there is no room for me to store my odds and ends. Now, with wizard robes, there is plenty of space for me to store my wand in a pocket, and sometimes even enough room for a butterbeer or two."
Kat wrote very rapidly as to not miss anything that any of the girls were saying. She giggled a bit as Hilary practically spat her answer out without pausing for a breath anywhere in between. She also thought that Courtney's idea of having more room in wizarding robes was very true, especially with being able to store butterbeer, which made her giggle a little bit. "So Lily.....what are your thoughts on this subject?"
"Well, I prefer being able to run around in my muggle clothing to be honest. I love wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and just being comfortable. Wizarding clothes are a bit too loose for me, especially the robes. I don't like the idea that someone could come along and be silly with a spell and make my robes go flying in the air and show off what is underneath. Can't do that with my jeans!" Lily replied with a smile.
Kat took note of what Lily was telling her, making sure not to miss anything so that she would have a few decent quotes for the article. She giggled when Lily mentioned the scenario of having someone jinx the robes to reveal what's under them. " you guys think that there should be any modifications to any of the wizarding styles? I know I personally like muggle clothing a little bit better. More so during the spring and summer months. Now once it starts getting cold out i'm very glad for the robes becuase they keep you warmed up."

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