How times have changed

Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Turning the page, Jeremy took no notice of whether there were other people in the courtyard and what they were doing. It wasn't that he didn't care at all, but when he was reading something, especially anything of mild interest to him, Jeremy became oblivious to his surroundings. It was a fairly bad habit and he was fortunate enough to have never gotten bonked in the head because of his lack of attention. He knew it would happen one day though. The book he was reading was one his father had given him right before he'd headed off to school. It was a biography of a man who had worked for the British Auror department during the time when Voldemort had been wreaking havoc across the country. It was a rather fascinating read, especially since it was written in a sort of diary style. Jeremy knew why his father had given the book and that had taken away some of the fun of it. He knew his father still believed that his son would leave school and head into auror training. Every year, however, that notion had seemed more and more unappealing to the Ravenclaw.

Pushing down a page that was flying up every time the slightest breeze blew, Jeremy's eyebrows lifted as he read an entry where the man began to suspect everyone around him of being conspirators of the Death Eaters. To live a life of such paranoia seemed incredibly sad to the young man. It was one of the reasons why becoming an auror was a turn-off. That and the inevitable time away from home that came with being an auror. Still, as a book, this stuff was fascinating. Jeremy had already read through half of the book and he'd only been in school for a few days.
Georgiana Night seemed to be such a lonely person recently. Over the summer she avoided going home to avoid going to France with her family, and opted to stay in New Zealand, during their winter. However the winter here was much more nicer then it is in the Southern tier of New York State where her father lived when not out on a job. Her decision kept her options of what to do very limited and she only hung out with the friend she stayed with. For some reason she lost alot of what most people defined her by, and thats her upbeat nature. After running into her ex-boyfriend in the local pub, her life became even more depressing then what it had been before without him here.

Walking randomly around the castle mostly from boredom, Georgiana's feet brought her into the courtyard, which was one of the few spots Logan and her shared. About to turn and leave she spotted a familar face with his head in a book. Picking up a small stick she walked over towards the boy to see if he would notice her and when he didn't she tossed the stick towards his head.
Jeremy was just about to turn the page when he was hit in the head with a small stick. It didn't hurt him a bit, but it did startle him. Jeremy looked up and quickly realized that he was sitting in one of the few spots in the courtyard without any trees overhead. Determined to solve the mystery, Jeremy quickly looked around, a rather annoyed expression on his face. His gaze darkened slightly when he saw a girl who he suspected might have been the culprit. It was Georgiana, a girl whom he shared a rather odd history with. They were not friends nor were they enemies. Instead, they existed in a rather strange in between state.

Picking up the stick which had landed on his book, Jeremy held it between two fingers. "You could have poked my eye out with this thing" he complained. "What's your problem?" he added. The idea that she might have been playing around didn't even cross Jeremy's mind,likely because he was still not comfortable enough around her to know her intentions. The prefect sat staring at her, his blue eyes showing his displeasure.
Georgiana smiled at the expression on Jeremy's face, it was rather entertaining trying to get his attention she found. It was one of the first real smiles to appear on her face for quite some time, but it wa mainly there because it felt like the old days when she tried to become a friend of Jeremy's for the sake of her boyfriend at the time, Logan. "I wasn't even aiming for your head," she answered walking closer to the older boy. She hadn't seen much of him in the past year, just on the pitch during games when he was trying to score against her team.

Though Georgiana had been aiming for her head and she misjudged the weight of the stick and it landed on the book she didn't want to say that she really had been. "You're the one with your head in the book you can't even pay attention to people approaching you," she answered in reply with a teasing tone. For her, their relationship was built on her teasing him so it only felt natural to continue to tease him even though they were passed disliking the other. Georgiana felt like she was reliving a happy moment from her life when she tossed the stick at Jeremy and recieved the reaction she did.
Jeremy wasn't entirely sure he believed her because she certainly did have more reason than most to aim for his head. He'd been horrible to her when they'd first met. Thankfully, they'd both been able to move passed those times and now they were kind of friends. Well, that wasn't exactly true, but they weren't enemies either. As a response, Jeremy did the only thing he could think of to do. He stuck his tongue out at her. He knew it wasn't the most mature thing for him to do, but it worked.

It went to show how things had been resolved between the two that he didn't truly get upset. Wagging the stick at her, Jeremy spoke. "I'll have you know that I happen to be reading about an Auror during the time when Voldemort was around." He'd never been brought up to fear the name and said it as plainly as he would say any other. "What are you doing beside throwing sticks at people?" he teased back.
Georgiana sat herself down next to the older Ravenclaw, one of the only Ravenclaws she talked to now. In the past she used to have reasons to be angry with him, but he had gotten her out of trouble for running in the corridors with another Prefect and she forgave him for being a jerk and everything was in the past now. She rolled her eyes when he stuck his tounge out and made a move to grab it from his mouth used to having a younger sister who made that move all the time.

Glancing down at the book she noted that it seemed to be packed of adventure and most likely wasn't the actual story that happened during his time. Georgie had learned about Voldemort in school and Harry Potter's great adventure of stopping him multiple times, and in fact there seemed to be more books from that time then any other to do with the history of magic. "Honestly, Arthur was a much more interesting person, then some person Potter probably didn't even know," she said glancing down at the book not reconizing the name of the person. "I was just taking a stroll around campus," she said not wanting to admit she really had nothing to do besides bug him.
Jeremy flinched and moved back as she reached for his tongue. He wouldn't be trying that again anytime soon. The Ravenclaw made room for the Gryffindor as she settled herself beside him. He saw her looking at the book on his lap and he turned it so that she could easily see the cover.

As she spoke, he shrugged his shoulders. "Yea, I completely agree" he stated. Arthur Weasley was a pureblood wizard who was totally into muggle stuff, and Jeremy could admire the man. That didn't mean that this 'unknown' person didn't have an interesting story to tell. "The biography isn't half bad. This guy was an Auror before Harry Potter was even born" he added. Although Harry Potter was an important figure in magical history, Jeremy was sort of tired of reading the guy's name in every single history book. "So, how was your vacation?" he asked, slipping the book back into his bag. He half wished that she simply would have continued with her stroll while the other half of him didn't mind that she was here. It was always that way with Georgiana though. Jeremy never really knew what to think when she was around.
Georgiana listened as he made the book seem like it could hold interesting facts, of course it would, but it was just another person's take on something every knew about and learned about since they entered the magical world. Even she, an American witch, knew about the uprise of Voldemort and his downfall from her Grandmother who had lived during the time of Harry Potter. Though she enjoyed History, the more recent things weren't very interesting to her and she tended to look down upon them instead of embrace them for all the knowledge she could learn from the events. "My vacation was....good. I, I saw Logan at the Three Broomsticks just before the start of the year," she said looking down at the ground. It wasn't a secret that when Logan left the school he had decided to leave her behind as well. Breaking her heart as he did, and it still wasn't completely healed from the breakup.
Jeremy was looking around the courtyard as he waited for Georgiana to speak. It wasn't that anything was really happening around there, but he always felt weird staring at people. As she began to reply, Jeremy glanced sideways at her hesitancy. When she continued, he realized why. Jeremy hadn't seen or heard from Logan since shortly after he'd left the school. They had taken to writing to each other, but it had never really taken off. It actually hurt Jeremy deeply because Logan was the first friend he'd made at the school, and he was the person with whom he'd shared all of his secrets.

He knew that seeing Logan had to have hurt Georgiana even more than it might have hurt him. She'd actually dated the guy until he'd up and decided to leave the school. The fact that he did so with hardly any notice was not lost on either of them. "Oh, yea?" he asked, his voice rising slightly. He couldn't even pretend not to care. Jeremy was nowhere near that good of a liar. "Did he see you? Did you talk to him or anything?" he asked curiously.
Georgiana didn't talk about Logan to anyone these days, she barely let his name pass through her lips. However considering Jeremy knew Logan long before she had he'd be able understand the older boy more then she ever could. Georgie felt herself opening up to the boy for some unknown reason. They never have been the greatest of friends to each other, but he did know Logan in the past so maybe he could help her just a little bit in getting over the heartache Logan left her with. "Yeah," she replied softly looking up from the ground that she had been staring at. Her summer had been pretty good up till the moment he walked over to her table just days before the start of the year. After that she herself went into a depression that even her friends didn't know how to handle.

"He came over to the table I was at with my friend. I was. Said Mark is settling into his new job fine. Then he pestered me to as why I didn't go home and stuff," she said looking around at the courtyard instead of Jeremy, trying to control her emotions. Georgiana glanced up at the older boy wondering how he had been doing since his best friend left. "Do you two ever talk?" The young teen ask him, but she considered based on his question that the two didn't or hardly did. Otherwise for sure he would have known about Logan being in the country over the summer, and perhaps that she had talked to him. But the older boy seemed to have already moved on from her, and who could blame him being in a school populated by beautiful people.
Jeremy listened to Georgiana as she spoke about the day she'd seen Logan. As he did, he wondered what he would do if he came across Logan in a shop or restaurant. Probably sock him one, Jeremy thought to himself. He knew he really wouldn't do that, but it made him feel better to simply think it. Jeremy looked back down to the ground where his foot was kicking a path into the dirt beneath the bench. "That's nice" Jeremy mumbled.

When the Gryffindor asked if he and Logan ever talked, Jeremy sighed softly and then shook his head. "I was a bit of a jerk before he left, wasn't I?" he asked, figuring that was as good a reason as any for Logan to not want to speak with him. "We passed a few owls to each other after he left, but then they sort of stopped." He shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't much care. It was a bit of a sore topic with the Ravenclaw.
Georgiana felt bad for bringing the boy that had been such a great part of their life up, but Jeremy was the only one she really could talk about Logan to, for he was one of the only people who really knew Logan. She felt bad for Jeremy losing his best friend completely and she felt partly the reason, she did monopolize Logan alot while he was still at the school. Letting out a sigh the girl finally realize how depressed she had gotten over the past few months. "Hmm," she replied back to him for everything he said to her. The young girl wasn't sure what to do with herself these days.

"Well, I suppose we should just forget him, for now," she mentioned to the older boy. It would be better for both of them if they did anyways. It did no good to look in the past and live there, when there was always the present which was a much better place to be. However being a young girl she wasn't very good at telling herself these things.

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