feeling faint

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka Bones was happyer than she had ever been here but there was a down fall. Her nightmares had returned along with the fact that she was not used to so much activity and the fact that she had just run out of allergy medecen which was making her eyes water and her nose stuff up. Zazuka sat at the top of the stares on her way to turn in a Charms paper. She was waiting for the dizzyness in her head to go away enough for her to turn in her homework then maybe find herself a place in the library she could read and sit still for an houre or two. Zazuka knew she must have looked a wreak but she never said anything about her elments. In her mind she wasn't importent enough to bother with. She would just stay there with her head pressed againt the wall, letting to coolness of the flagstone take her headache away.
Andy was strolling up the stairs on her way to the common room when she saw Z sitting at the top of the 3rd floor stairs. She seemed to be leaning her head against the wall and didn't look so good.
"Z? you ok" she asked her as she got closer.
Zazuka looked up lazly to see Andy there. She managed a weak smile before her dizzyness came back and her head begged for the cold again so she pressed her fourhead against the wall. It wasn't strainge, her skin must have felt like it was on fire and that was just how she felt inside. A feaver no doubt but Zazuka was willing herself to keep going. "I'm fine really it'll pass." She said in a sighing voice that would convince no one. She didn't seem to have the strigth to even lie prorperly.
"Z can you move? Can you make it to the hospital wing?" Andy asked her sitting down beside her. "I'd hate to say it Zuka but you don't look so good".
Andy was very concerned now about her friend, she had never seen her like this before.
Ginny was walking back to the common room, dripping wet from the lake, when she saw Zazuka leaning against the wall, looking very pale for her. 'Andy?Zuka? Are you ok?'she aske concerned as she walked up to the kneeling down.
Zazuka wanted to prove that there was nothing really wronge so she got up as fast as she could only to land right back on the floor. Her head had begune to spin so it was nessery to come back down. "I guess I'm not really all that well but I will pass." She insisted. No one needed to worry about her. It was just a waist of time in her view where there where things to get done and others to worry about too.
"I'm fine, it's Z here. Can you stay with her I'm going to get my uncle", she turned from Ginny to Zuka, "Z i'll be two minutes ok".

with that she ran down the 3rd floor corridor thanking providence that that was where Zuka had, had her spell and burst into the hospital wing.
"Uncle P!" Andy shouted to him, "Zuka needs you come on!"
She didn't wait for his answer just held the door open for him, then ran back to the top of the stairs to Zuka.
'Zazuka?'Ginny asked as she felt the side of her face. It was burning up more than usual for her hands which were colder than everyones. 'You're burning up soemthing terrible,'ginny observed as he took her hand away slowly.
Patrick dropped what he was doing and followed Ace out into the corridor and then to the top of the stairs. Zazuka, Ace's friend was sitting in a heap on the stair and looking very feverish.
"I've got you" he said as he picked her up gently, "I'm going to take you to the hospital alright?"
He spoke even more gently to her, she was tiny and looked so frail and helpless.
"You're going to be alright" he tried to sound reassuring for her sake. He turned and saw Ms. Porter and said quietly.
"Could you go ahead and pull down the covers from one of the beds in the hospital. I'll follow with Ms. Bones here. Ace you hold the door for me ok?" Patrick stood up slowly with the girl in his arms.

[[sorry for godmoding Zuka - but figured Patrick being a nurse would definitly pick you up]]
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Zazuka said softly as delirium started to settle in. She didn't want anybody worrying about her like this but she finally gave in thinking she had no choice but to be here.
((It's Ok I can't get up on my own at the moment.))
'Sure. right away,' Ginny said pelting down the corridor as fast as she would go which was fast to most people and skidded into the hospital wing.

(i shall start the post i guess then?llol. )

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