Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
The second Gryffindor first-year name on the list had not stood out to Selene as much as the first one. maybe it was because it was near the bottom whereas Madeline's had been the first name. or maybe it was because Everly was not as loud as Madeline. either way as Selene had been looking through the list whilst listening to professor Sword she realised another of her deliveries was in the room. once the class was dismissed she packed away quickly and walked over to one of the Gryffindors who she was pretty sure was the girl she wanted. "Hello, it's Everly right?" she asked hoping she had the right girl.
Everly was walking through the first floor on her way out of her class when she suddenly heard her name being called. Turning she saw a girl from her class coming towards her, "Yes, that's me, what can I do for you?" She said with a smile on her face. She hadn't spoken to the girl before so it was a surprised that the girl wanted to speak to her now.
Willow wondered why she had never spoken to the gryffindor girls before. they seemed nice both Maddy who she had delivered a rose to before class and everly. after all the hat had almost put her in that house. and might have done if she hadn't requested Ravenclaw. "nice to meet you, I have a rose for you" she said pushing one of her braids back over her shoulder and looking for the right rose. "It is a yellow one which means friendship" she said as she found the one with Everly's name on it and handing it to the girl.
Kia Ora!

Gryffindor wouldn’t be the same without you!

Everly hadn't heard of the rose tradition before and looked the bunch of flowers the other girl had with her. She'd seen them all around the castle that morning before classes and made a mental note to asked her mother later that night at the Valentine's Dance. Yellow meant friendship which was nice though she hardly knew this girl so Everly thought it was a little weird to be getting a rose from her. "Oh thank you," she said reaching out and taking the yellow rose. "What was your name again?" She asked feeling slightly awkward not even knowing her classmates name in the moment.
Selene could tell everly wasnt quite sure what to make of the rose. "You are welcome. I am just delivering them. the person who sent it should have signed the note" she said. "My name is Selene, Selene le fey," she said introducing herself. "Wasn't that an interesting class. the Arthurian myth is my favourite part of history. I hope we get to cover it more throughout the term." she said. not realising that while her chatter on class may be welcome with her Ravenclaw friends, maybe even reciprocated. this girl may find her a little bit odd. but Selene was a huge fan of Arthurian myths and had read every book about them she sould get her hands on, which in her household was quite a lot.
Everly nodded and saw what the girl meant by looking into the note. It was from one of her housemates and she thought it was really nice that she had a friend who must have paid more attention to school events and also thought of her. "I don't know, my sister said that we usually learn about a thing once and move on, we have to do our own reading of course to learn more. I'm sure there are books in the library if you wanted to know even more, but I'm not sure I haven't seen the library yet," Everly said with a shrug of her shoulders.
selene listened as the girl explained what they would be learning about htings once. "that is a shame. I hope we would learn things in more tetail next week, or maybe other witches and wizards from that same story" she said. when everly said she hadn't been to the library yet willows jaw dropped. she had been in there about twice a week. "ypu really should go in there it is amazing, and Stefan the head librarian will be able to help you find a book on anything you could think of" she said.
Everly nodded even though she hadn't felt as connected to the story they had heard in class as this girl. She glanced around at the others walking through the hallway before focusing her attention back towards Selene who was talking about the library. "Oh well, I don't think there's anything really I want to read. Already not caught up on reading the text for classes as it is," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. Reading wasn't Everly's thing, she did enjoy painting however and thought about going down to the Arts room and painting for fun for a while today.

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