Closed Connecting The Dots

Holden Marshall

problem child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/2047 (14)
After days spent cramped up in classrooms and libraries preparing for exams he knew he was going to fail anyway, Holden was relishing every second he got outdoors. The cold air was perfect for a proper game of rugby, and by the time they were done he was streaked with mud cooling the heat from his aching muscles. Holden flopped down on the grass and clutched the rugby ball to his chest, panting hard as he felt his heart start to slow down. "Good game." He said as an afterthought, glancing over to his oldest brother. He knew Eric had to be going easy on him, but it wasn't enough that Holden felt condescended to, and it was nice being around an adult who took him seriously for once.
Eric was happy to see Holden again on his break. The kid seemed to grow alarmingly every year at Hogwarts, though Eric remembered vaguely that his mom would say the same about him. It was weird, being in this older brother role to someone much younger. It was really different than being Connor's brother, as they were practically the same age. He had enjoyed playing rugby with Holden, having to hold back a lot less than before. The kid was getting better. He sat next to him and handed Holden a bottle of water. "Yeah, good game." He said, wiping his forehead. "So... how was school?"
Holden sat up a little as Eric approached, accepting the offered water gratefully. He opened it and took a long swig, though Eric's question made him groan. "Sucks, obviously." He said with a raised eyebrow. "It's school. Everything about it sucks."
Eric sighed, it was a predictable answer and a familiar one. Now that he was an adult, he realized just how dramatic it sounded. "Did everything suck? Every single thing?" He asked his little brother, raising one eyebrow. "That's rough." He took a swig of water himself.
Holden shrugged, fidgeting with his water, his eyes locked to the mud caked onto his shoes. "I mean, pretty much." He said idly. "Classes are the worst. And everyone there is so obsessed with themselves. And you can't do anything fun. There aren't even proper sports, I don't care about Quidditch." He grumbled.
Eric nodded as he listened to Holden. It might sound a bit... childish to Eric now, but he knew it was really how Holden felt. The fastest way to alienate him was to dismiss it. "That sucks, sounds like nothing changed." Eric muttered. "is there anyone who isn't as bad as the rest?" He asked, wanting to know if Holden had any friends.
It was a relief when Eric didn't tell him to be nicer or just think on the bright side, the way he was sure Penny would have. Having a brother who actually understood him was a brand new feeling. He shrugged at the question, looking out over the field. "My roommates are alright, I guess. Fraser and Santiago are pretty cool." He paused. "And Milo's a year down, but he's cool too..."
Eric was relieved to hear Holden mention a few kids he thought were alright. Eric would've had a hard time coming up with three names back in school, so it seemed to him like Holden was doing a little better. Eric nodded. "Glad to hear your roommates are cool, mine were the worst. Sully was a sh*t who made fun of everyone and there was this other guy." Eric snorted and rolled his eyes. "Noel Waldgrave, he was obsessed with me. Like, the guy hated me for no reason. He spent all seven years trying desperately to get me into trouble." Eric snorted. "He was weird."
Holden frowned slightly as Eric described his roommates. "Sucks." He nodded in agreement. "Mine are pretty cool. Fraser's just mad for Quidditch, and Santiago's a chill guy. No real drama or whatever."

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