Open Can't Stay Away

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Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (15)
Chase didn't know why he kept bothering with these school parties. He never truly enjoyed them and often found himself heading out rather quickly and yet he couldn't stay away either. Perhaps it was because spending the night in his dorm when more than half of the school was out enjoying themselves sounded pathetic. Or perhaps it was because he didn't feel like he had anything better to do either. It was simply a way to kill some time if he was being completely honest with himself. He had put on his simple black suit, one he had worn before, and made his way to the great hall. The layout wasn't much different from what he had seen before and he was quick to head over to the resfreshments table and pour himself a drink.
Ezra desperately wished he had a date to this. It felt so sad to be a fifth year and go to the yule ball alone, again. But then again, he also had no idea how you asked someone out to something like this. He had considered just not going, but that felt a little sad too. He could picture himself just sitting in his dorm alone when everyone else was having fun at the dance. So in the end, he had gone, and he tried his best to look unbothered as he watched the couples on the dance floor. He was glad when hes potted Chase by himself too and headed over to him. His roommate wasn't usually very cheerful company, but he was nice and familiar, and hanging out with him would make both of them seem less like lonely losers. "Hey." He said as he moved beside Chase. "Having fun?"
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