Bianca is starving xD

Bianca Petrescu

Well-Known Member
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Bianca walked into the great hall and headed for the Hufflepuff table. She was still tired having not gone to bed till late the night before, but was desperately hungry.
Sitting down at the table she helped herself to pancakes and syrup with sausages, orange juice and a muffin, then began to eat. Looking around she realized the Hufflepuff table was basically empty, except for a few boys she didn't know at the far end of the table.
Kasey was not very hungry this morning however as she hadnt eaten anything the last day she thought it would be a good idea to have somethng.She saw that as it was the first day of school all the Ravenclaws might have been feeling lazy because the Ravenclaw table was completely empty s she looked at other house tables apart from slytherin.She saw a first year whose name she couldnt remember who was sitting on Hufflepuff table.She walked to her and asked"Hi.Can I join you?"
Bianca looked up when she realized someone had came to talk to her. "Sure, do join me. Its a public place after all! Sorry i forgot my manners, I'm Bianca, Bianca Petrescu. I'm a Hufflepuff First Year. What about you? And i think i have seen you before somewhere, er..are you the Friend Finder leader?" Bianca asked enthusiastically.
"Yeah I am the leader for the FF club, Kasey Carla.Its nice to meet you"she replied smiling at Bianca.Kasey ate a cookie and than added."Do you like Hogwarts? Did you know about wizarding world before you got the letter?"

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