Artificial Intelligence in roleplays

Todd Cobbler

The Grey Man | Tinkerer
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Half Blood
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Hi, so in case you haven't noticed - AI is everywhere! I've been involved in improving our AI policy at work (I work at a University for context). Has the University banned the use of AI? Absolutely not, quite the opposite. We are offering support on using AI appropriately.

Anyway, that has led me to the actual topic in hand. What are people's thoughts about the use of AI like Chat Gtp to enhance roleplays and inspire plots? I have a few advantages and disadvantages to get started.

1. At a time where there seems to be a leaving post every other week, AI has the ability to kickstart muse.
2. People who struggle with writing have a tool that can improve the quality of their roleplays. This could bring new people into roleplaying who previously thought they couldn't do it.
3. Time saving in a busy world

And disadvantages:
1. Hinder the enjoyment of roleplaying and the natural development of creative skills.
2. Undermine true creativity. It's a big problem in these AI developing times and I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on AI in the real world too. It is literally popping up everywhere!

Just for clarity, I'm not talking about AI generated content, I'm talking about AI enhanced content (used to assist or enhance writing).
Hm, interesting discussion! I'm perhaps a bit of a luddite when it comes to AI, I'll admit, but it's more due to the fact that while it promises benefits, where trends seem to go with it end up doing more harm than good. A lot of that is beyond the scope of this specific conversation so I won't get into it too much, but suffice it to say my feelings on AI are more negative with the problems of art theft/non consent of artists/unhelpful use of AI that doesn't take in to consideration the actual needs of the people it could most benefit.

(I follow a lot of voice actors on the site formerly known as twitter, and I'm seeing how deals for AI voice generation/replacement is threatening their employment. Plus hearing how it's being used for scamming, which yeah, emphasises how it feels it can do more harm than good.)

I'll grant that the advantages you posit could certainly help, though again while your point 2 sounds good in theory, poorly trained AI could end up not providing any improvement at all. I've seen enough error ridden AI assisted/generated content! I don't think an AI could ever replicate your own creative voice, either, so any use of it would have to be extremely mindful to avoid overreliance on it.

Personally, I think if people were interested we could take advantage of the human element and share ways to grow creatively/writing tips to improve on a structural level if people were interested. Where everything's become so homogenized, somehow we've become more disconnected from each other than ever before. (Like you could say my god, Camilla, stop waffling so much in your writing, and I'll say I'll take that into consideration and then not do so because I need to make sure my point makes sense.) But yeah, while I'm certain AI prompts could help, remember when people used to make lists and share ideas online?

I'm just sad about how much worse information searching has become in the last few years, tbh.
The fact that scammers are using these tools and that industries like voice actors are being threatened is scary. On the other hand, I have seen that AI if used responsibly can be a supportive tool and assist in overcoming creative blocks. The Beatles recently released their 'final' track (Now and Then) which could only be released because AI fixed a problem with Lennon's sample. With writing, it's an excellent spelling and grammar checker and it does it so quickly too. I agree on the issue of over reliance, I know roleplayers who have gone on to professional writing but had they started using AI at this level, they might have naturally become reliant on it in their professional writing and never truly honest their skills. Perhaps 2. Advantage, in the long term, becomes 1. Disadvantage. I find what AI can do so fascinating and scary in equal measures but sometimes it feels like the strengths are it makes life easier and the weaknesses are world ending.

I totally know what you mean about internet searching these days. Generally I think the wider internet has become such a toxic place. It's one of the reasons why I like it here so much.

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