Any Meal time...

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Right Now its... Breakfast time:

Andromeda slid down the very last bannister and leapt off the end of it before running the rest of the way into the Great Hall. She had to admit she loved this room. As big and vast as it was, it had character. She sat at any old table hoping Zuka or someone else she knew would come along, Andromeda had always a habit of getting up early and heading directly for the main food source. Platters of food were only appearing slowly as the students did. The most of the food would undoubtedly show up when the majority of students showed up.

She helped herself to some pumpkin juice, then some crumpets with lashings of butter and honey. Her sweet tooth was really kicking in this morning much to her annoyance. She would be hyper as a result of her sugar high for most of the day.
Eating slowly she thought perhaps this would ward off any sugar rush that was heading her way.
Zazuka was running down the stareways top speed. She was not only exsited to be back in school but all of her friends had made it to the second year. She nearly burst into the great hall with her happy spirts following close behind like the triles of blue and purple ribbon that she had left hanging off the ends of her braids. Zazuka spoted Andy sitting alone so she ran over to her.

Zazuka seemed to have energy to spare today and it was not only because she was exsited to be starting school again but because she seemed to have had a pleasent dream for once. One that left behind feelings of hope and happyness. She took a seat next to her and started to pile on jelly on her crumpet. "And how are you this morning my best most awesome friend of mind?" She asked alittle too quickly.
Andromeda had turned at the sound of someone doing a similar sprint into the hall as herself. It was Zuka, Andromeda couldn't help but smile at her as she sat down beside her.
"I am actually good, you know I don't think one person has noticed yet that I dyed my hair over the summer to dark brown. I mean the red was pretty intense, you'd think someone would notice the difference. Maybe its so bad now that they're just being polite by not refering to it" Andromeda's self esteem had taken a big knock over the summer. She had two best friends in this world, one she had spent the summer with and had, had a great time - the other, had not even written a reply to one of the many letters she had written to him. This had been a nasty blow to her.
"Are you settling back in alright?"
Zazuka nodded. "Don't be silly. Everyone just misses your pretty red hair. No one has notivced that my glasses have gotten smaller though." She said brightly. Zazuka had thought that Andy's red hair was one of the things that made her beautiful. "I saw, well bumped into, Brian in the common room the other day. Did you know that his parents locked away all his magical things?" She asked hoping she would get the hint. Zazuka hoped to avoid a whole ugly mess early on if she could help it.
"Well I noticed the moment you changed them, there's more of your pretty face to see now isn't there" she said it as a statement not a question, Zuka was a very pretty girl in Andromeda's mind. She stuffed her mouth with some crumpet so she wouldn't have to answer straight away about Brian. It was ridiculous to feel as if he had abandoned her all summer, thinking about his parents locking up all his magical equipment made her feel a little better but that would also mean that he couldn't use Athene to send them any post. Still he could have found some way if he had really wanted to. Andromeda chewed her crumpet and swallowed before turning to Zuka.
"What does your calender of classes look like then?" she really didn't want to start the day even discussing Brian.
Angus was wandering around the Great Hall, when he noticed Andy - at least, he thought it was Andy, she looked a little different - sitting and chatting with another girl. Somehow feeling he ought to leave them alone, he decided to be bold and go up and say hello. "Hey, Andy!" he called out to her, giving her a small wave.
Zazuka sighed. It may turn ugly after all eventually. "That's the best part. Monday we have Tranfiguration with Gryffendor but then we have Charms with the Slytherins finally we have Potions with the Hufflpuffes. We have saterday and sunday off though." She said with a bright smile. She didn't even acknolage the comment about her face. Her glasses my have chaninged but she was still pale and full of freakles. That and she didn't have the cherisma to make it work like Andy did. "Hello there!" She said brightly to the boy that had come in. She knew him by sight and my name after listening to the conversations in the icecream shop but she thought it best to act like she didn't know him at all.
Andromeda listened to Zuka chat about the class schedule she had, it would seem that it wasn't a mistake on her schedule then. She knew they had to have a class with Ravenclaw but she sure wasnt' looking forward to it any more. She heard her name be called and looked up. It was Violets brother, she looked about to see if Violet was coming as well but it only looked as if it would be one of them this morning. Perhaps Vi would join them later.
"Hi Angus, are you going to sit down?" she smiled at him, "I don't know if you two have met, Zuka this is Violet Bellamy's brother Angus. Angus my bestfriend Zazuka Bones." She took a sip from her pumpkin juice and smiled again at least the conversation could drift into safer waters now.
Angus sat down, a little awkward, but with a smile nonetheless. "Pleasure to meet you, Zazuka!" he said, brightly. "How were your holidays?" he asked both of them politely.
Zazuka boed her head. "Pleasure is all mine. It was great, Andy and I went everwhere there was to go at the horbor." She said with a bright smile. "So your Vi's brother. She never mensioned you last year though I would have remember if she had." She said kindly.
"Well we had the sunny weather that's for sure but we worked for most of it" Andromeda let Zuka say the rest as she took another sip of her drink.
"I think she mentioned him a few times actually, at least to me anyhow" Andromeda hoped she hadn't put her big foot in it.
"Haha, it's okay, everyone's gonna know my name soon enough," Angus said, attempting to look cool, but not succeding, and laughing it off. "I don't blame her, really, I think I'd be right in assuming she spent a lot of time studying last year?" he stated, not really as a question.
Andromeda didn't know Angus really well and as cute as he was, she had a loyalty to his sister who had been her friend before him. She didn't like talking about her when she wasn't here, it just didn't feel right. So Andromeda chose to say nothing at all but smiled at him instead as she put another crumpet into her mouth.
Zazuka nodded. "Yes but we did talk afew times. Vi is really nice. She was the only one that scored higher overall in potions." She said brightly. Zazuka never held a grudge over grades and things like that. Everyone did thier best in her mind so did she. "Really, I'm sopped to be the good listener." She said with a laugh.
"I still can't get over that you are a Slytherin and Vi is a Hufflepuff. I mean how much more different can you get?" Andromeda smiled between bites of crumpet, she really needed to improve on her table manners. Hair dye and a hair cut just didn't help with everything did they?
Angus shrugged. "It's really, really weird. I thought she'd be a Ravenclaw, definately. I kinda hoped I'd be a Ravenclaw, too." He smiled. "Please don't judge me harshly cause I'm in Slytherin. I know a lot of Slytherins are kinda mean...and are all caught up with the blood thing...but I'm really a nice person. I hope." He tried giving the girls an innocent and sweet look, but couldn't help but laugh.
Andromeda couldn't help but laugh too, Angus was like a breath of fresh air around here. He certainly wasn't anything like the other Slytherins and she was grateful for that fact.

"Well I think every house has some similar traits, I mean Hufflepuffs are just as intelligent as Ravenclaws they are just kinder and more humane I guess and Slytherins well, its said they are cunning and that is another form of cleverness isn't it? Just as bravery can also be seen as its own type of clever",

Andromeda didn't know if she was making any sense at all but ploughed on regardless.
"I mean both my parents were Ravenclaw and I really did think I would be placed there, I hoped I'd be placed in Gryffindor though and I was."
Angus grinned. "My mum was in Gryffindor. My grandfather was in Slytherin. You can imagine what he thought of his only magical child being in his 'mortal enemy' house!" He shrugged, not really caring. "Houses don't really matter, though. It's not what house you're in, it's who you are, am I right, or am I right?"
Andromeda put down her glass and looked across at Angus, it was hard to believe he was only 11. Did she come out with such quips last year? She smiled at him then she totally agreed with him. If she had her way she would petition for the abolition of the houses and just have common type houses similar to Durmstrang and Beauxbaton. The rivalry might not be so bad then, it would be just one complete united house.
"I agree Angus, I completely agree with you" she would love to just blurt out something like 'and who exactly are you?' to him but was held back as if by some invisible force.
The smile had made Zazuka clam up for a little while because she could feel the color come in her cheeks. She looked down and finished off the crumpet that was really more jelly than crumpet at that point and busied herself making another one. "The house system was origonaly placed because the European Howarts founders had a certen type of student they wanted to teach. I agree that it's completly irrelevent now that blood doesn't matter much and eveyone seems to have trates that suit almost every house. Sinse we are judging on carecter rather than the carecter of our houses this begs the question of who exsactly are you?" She said. This surpised herself. There had not been a noteable pause in that entire speech make it seem like she had drowned on in a monotone. "Sorry." She said meekly and looked down the blush coming back.

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