A late night stroll

Makato Scry

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Elder wand with Dementor's tear core
Makato had just slipt by the last of the night watch at hogwarts as open the front door ever so slightly and slipping out into the clear calm night.

The lawn was beautiful by moonlight. Makato took a second to admire the scenery as he began to walk. Alot has happen over the semester and some was for the best while other was not so hot. Makato hade effortlessly passed all of his class except for flying. He did not mind though because he knew how to fly and cared not whether he passed or failed he would always would be able to fly. Now it was time for the semester Exams which he knew were going to be tough but he did not fret much he knew he could pass most of them with flying colors. After the exam however will be the yule ball. Makato had a few paticular people he had wanted to ask one being Katalina. She had sat with him through detention and simply listened never once telling him he was foolish.

Makato walked over and sat under a tree as the stars pered down at him winking every so often.

Makato had also had to endure the death of his nanny. He would make an effort to visit her grave along with his mom and dads as soon as break begun. Tillian had sent him a letter requesting that he come and stay with him until he graduated, however that was before his grandfather had returned. Mr. Silver was his name and assasination was his game. Makato was drilled by nanny on the history of his family and found that his grandfather was the reason that most of the scry family was now extincted.

The family had a Coorperation that was run by retainers until Makato becomes of age. This was the family legacy all money that the family had acquired through the years was put into the coorperation. Whether it be in stock or small affliates the money was safe. The only way the family fortune could be cashed in was through breaking the coorperation into peice and sell them off. Mr. silver did not know this however, he believed that the money was safein gringotts. Makato laughed. His father was a muggle lawyer who did not trust the magical bank very much . Makato mother appeased him and allowed the money to be used at his discretion.

Makato watched as an owls flew into and out of the owlery, from where he sat, going and coming for there nightly hunt.

Makato had now began to work for the card shop which he enjoyed alot. He found out that through hard work that he may be allowed to become an animagus. That had made him quite happy. He still had a semester ahead of him. Defense against the dark arts, History of magic, and astronomy. He looked foward to astronomy the most not really caring to much about history and was not looking foward to DADA.

All in all there was a lot to think about and it felt good to let his thoughts go. Now Makato thought maybe he could go for a midnight fly. Makato stood and began to head toward the empty quidittch pitch.

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