2nd Years Running on the Lawn

Naomi Thomas

Well-Known Member
Naomi skipped down to the lawn from the castle to meet Caysi. The grass look so soft and green. Naomi slipped of her flats and walked around in the cool grass. Grass this nice shouldn't be stomped with shoes she thought to herself. She threw her out and began to spin around in circle. She laughed at herself...she couldn't help but think of the Sound of Music...lol
Caysi ran down to the lawn and said " Sorry Im late Naomi!". she said yelling even though she was on the steps.
"No problem Caysi!" Naomi yelled back with a smile. Once Caysi had reached the lawn Naomi asked "So how was your break?"
"It was alright" Naomi said still shoeless. "I have never been soooo ready for school to start back in my life!" Naomi said with a laugh. "What classes are you most looking forward too?"
Caysi smiled and said " Im looking forward to Charms and Potions...there also my best subjects too!". she said laughing a bit. " What about you?". she said rubbing her arms together.
Caysi was to excited and said " Let me guess..Defence against the Dark Arts and....Charms!". she said hoping that thoose two were Naomi's favourite.
Naomi laughed. "Well you are half right....I am looking forward to Charms and Transfiguation. Those were fun classes!"

"What animal would you transfigure yourself to be?" she said with a giggle
Caysi smiled and said " I would transfigure my-self in to a snow tiger..what about you?". she said sitting on the cool grass.
"I would want to me a snow fox!" Naomi said excitedly. "That would be cool if they teach us later!"
Caysi nodded and said " Yeah...that'd would be awesome". she said smiling.

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