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  1. D

    look 'ere ladies and gentlemen

    I have a second year Durmstrang that is sort of like that that she could've been a sort of mentor too but I'm not sure it would fit in to the time line of her transferring.
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    The last child

    I have two boys he could be the father of, one fourteen and one either eight or nine but both would include sleeping with a married woman. The mother of the fourteen year old does tell people she's single if that helps.
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    Out for A walk

    Daniel sighed, she had changed topic. "Hogwarts Scotland, yourself?" He had been a hufflepuff, though not one of the reject ones who got bullied. If anything he had been one of the most popular boys in school. He was pretty good looking and was doing pretty well grades wise, not to mention his...
  4. D

    Oops, sorry

    Daniel kneeled down and helped pick up the papers he had made her throw every where. "Sorry. Again." He handed her the last of the papers, really hoping they weren't in a certain order. The girl, around his own age, seemed pretty, well, pretty. "I'm Daniel." He smiled at her, hoping she wasn't a...
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    Out for A walk

    Daniel paused, unsure of what to say to that. "Well, sounds like we both have exciting lives doesn't it?" He smiled, kind of awkward from the situation she had just put him in. If he tried to change the topic she could feel hurt because he didn't want to talk about it (Some girls did) but if he...
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    Healer needs love

    Sorry it's late and lame :)
  7. D

    Oops, sorry

    Daniel was listening to music as he walked down the street. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and walked straight into someone. "Sh!t sorry." He turned to the woman he had almost knocked over. "I didn't hurt you did I?"
  8. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel laughed. "I wouldn't say nice was the right word really. There's the two shy ones that sit and read, they're okay, The overly camp brother that disturbs most of our family, my gay brother who over compensates by going to the gym, my plastic younger sister, my responsible older sister and...
  9. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel nodded and went over to the bench. "Well, I've lived all over but the family just moved here. I have loads of siblings, my mum is pregnant again, I'm the second oldest, ummm, I think that's everything about me really." He really couldn't be bothered to name all of his siblings. He...
  10. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel grinned. "I'm the same. Twenty years young." He laughed and looked around for a place to sit. He was getting bored with standing, plus it hurt his legs. "So then tell me about you."
  11. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel adopted a thinking pose, stroking a very long pretend beard. "Hmm, I'm going to go with somewhere between eighteen and twenty two." He grinned. "Am I anywhere close?" Hopefully, this way he couldn't be in the wrong. Any older and it was a compliment and any younger it was also a...
  12. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel kept grinning. "Nope, I definately donb't walk into walls, I do have a tendancy to push a pull door though." He laughed, even though it was true. "So then Miss Alexia, How old are you?" He honestly expected an answer along the lines of don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age but he...
  13. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel laughed. "Ooh, best not get on the wrong side of you then." He grinned and raised his eyebrows at the next comment. "Oh no, there is no way I could be a muggle, trust me." He laughed again, this girl was quite gunny actually, whether she meant to be was a different story. "Well that's...
  14. D


    To young for Daniel :P So Mate
  15. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel did, in fact, see her hands. "Give them here. Come one, I can heal you know." Having four brothers and five sisters in one family meant you learnt some useful things, like simple healing spells for when the younger ones hurt themselves and they didn't want the adults to know they were...
  16. D

    Out for A walk

    Daniel had just come back from seeing Gareth, well, he wasn't meant to be seeing Gareth lately, their parents felt it better for everyone if the siblings got separated for a while. Naturally, they had disobeyed and met up anyway. He was walking down the street, checking out any guy or girl that...