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    Some memories are permanent

    Ariah was really enjoying herself today. Much to her dismay, she hadn't been to the beach in years, so it was nice to take the day off and relax with her family. Plus, Athena was being a real sweetheart and was doing Ariah and Leviathan the honor of babysitting Andromeda for a little while...
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    Perfect Match

    Faxen & Dymetris. They are pretty cute!
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    Back Hopefully Forever

    Welcome back! ^_^
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah tried not to laugh when Leviathan called her throwing things at him spouse abuse. Did he honestly just make that word up? It was really cute. "I'm committing Spouse abuse, eh? What about splashing me? That could be spouse abuse too you little hypocrite." Ariah said playfully as she stuck...
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah was having a nice evening out by the pool. She had never lived in a home that also had a pool too, so she was pretty pumped when she found out her and Levi's home had a pool. Whenever Ariah wasn't cooking, sleeping, or spending time with her husband she was most likely out by the pool or...
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    Exam time

    Good luck on your exams! :hugs: Also, congrats on your upcoming Graduation!
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah sighed and let her fingers fall from Leviathan's face. She knew he didn't mean it. Even back then she was pretty sure she didn't believe that he meant it. He couldn't have. Not after all those moments they spent together. "Oh hun, I knew you didn't mean anything you said. I was just hurt...
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah was careful not to be extremely rash and forceful as her hands found their way to his face. The smoothness of her hand gently brushed against the stubble he hand on his face. He looked so handsome with facial hair, that she didn’t mind how weird it felt. When Leviathan apologized to her...
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    A Surprise Dinner

    The moment she heard the door open and close behind her, Ariah made sure to walk more slowly. She knew who it was. Ariah wanted him to come out with her, and thankfully something pushed him to go. It wasn't that Ariah didn't want to be around Axel and Kamaria. It was more or less the fact that...
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    Public Service Announcement

    Best wishes and love to Eden! :hugs: I hope she gets better soon and is able to remember things soon! ♥
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah wasn't very surprised that Kamaria would do something like that to her brother. Those two fought an awful lot for being twins. They probably more than even Colton and Adrian did, which was pretty bad. "It still kind of sounds like she threw you. Let me were...sleeping?" Ariah...
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    Word Association Game

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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah was about to take another bite of her food and ask Axel if he was happy to have his kids back home and out of school, but she was interrupted by someone else speaking. Ariah turned her head. The person didn't even finish his sentence. "Levi?" Ariah asked as she leaned in and stared at the...
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah frowned and shook her head softly. What was it with the men in this family? They really liked to pick on her for some reason it seemed. Ariah did her best to avoid being an easy target, but they always found something to poke at her with. Then there was members like Nicolette who were...
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    What are you listening to?

    Ask the Lonely - Journey
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    Hot or Not

    DOG/OutofTen I hope you don't have fleas.
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    A Surprise Dinner

    Ariah wasn't as close with her soon to be father-in-law as she was with Benjamen. During the past year or so it had been Benji that she had been staying with, and him that she had been learning the ways of Leviathan's family from. Well Nicolette taught her some things too. But that mostly...