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    True ;D I have a dog called Fifi and two hamsters called Daisy and Sage. [hr] TPBM is TEAM JACOB ! (:
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    Wow Morgan, I can't even name the first two elements. Lol Oh so true, I'm a proud user of mac ! (: [hr] TPBM is crazy over Lady GaGa.
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    A Band, A Boy, Some Friends, And Bullies (Basically Everyone)

    Siddalee - Don't worry, I'll log in as Seth soon. No worries (: But u can just call me my RL name, Bryan. Eliza - I'll let the ladies choose xD (I am such a gentleman :P)
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    A Band, A Boy, Some Friends, And Bullies (Basically Everyone)

    {As Seth again. Lol } Sorry about it. I have many characters, so I log in many different accounts. I have 4 in total - Seth,Jason,Jonas and Terry :D
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    Sneaking behind books

    Jason sighed as the students around him began to talk in their little own conversations, ignoring his presence. He barely understood what they all were talking about, and Jason couldn't stop but wonder what in the world was Dark Elites. "I'm outta here." he mumbled, walking away from the group...
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    Sneaking behind books

    Jason watched as Isobel talked to her friend. He didn't really understand what was going on, but decided to listen to their conversation. And before he knew it, another boy had joined them. Jason sighed, all he wanted was to get a book, not meet anymore people. The boy who had just joined them...
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    Sneaking behind books

    Jason smiled at the girl. "Nice to meet you too Isobel." he said with a kind smile. "Yeah okay, I promise." he answered, wondering why the hell her friends wouldn't be happy that she was in the library. Weren't friends supposed to be helping each other and motivating each other? "Just trying to...
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    Join the plastic cult...if you dare

    Hey Maddie, Jonas would probably want to meet the girls from the group :P Better introduce him ! Haha :D
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    Sneaking behind books

    Jason nodded at the girl when she smiled at him. "No problem," he replied with a friendly smile. He glanced at the book's cover before adding, "I've read that book before. Totally recommendable.". Jason looked at the girl, realizing that she was looking down. He honestly found it weird that she...
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    Sneaking behind books

    Jason had had a very tiring first week of school. All the unpacking and all the making of new friends was really tiring for him. He had been invited to three 'Welcome' parties, and he was sure he was going to cry if he got invited for the fourth. Jason sighed, as he made his way to the library...
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    Yellow :-h Blue <_<?

    Hey, could you start the thread please? Thanks ^_^
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    Yellow :-h Blue <_<?

    I have little Jason here. He's really friendly, but he can sometimes drive people mad with his enthusiasm. He's really kind and helpful, but he had those days when he just wants to be alone.
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    New friends or anything..

    Jason can be a friend too ^^
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    Hmm... Puff's are... well Puffs!

    Jason can be a a friend too :P