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  1. C

    Hello New Zealand!

    Dia appeared to have arrived in Obsidian Harbour safely, and in one piece. She had never been the best at apparating, and coming from somewhere as far away as London was quite a big job. She looked around at her new location, and was pleased to see that Obsidian Harbour looked like a peaceful...
  2. C

    Godbye, London.

    "You'll never ever see me again, you filthy liar!" Screamed Dia, tears running down her face, as she dragged her suitcase down the stairs and out the front door. All of her life, twenty seven years, she had believed that she was a pureblood. A beautiful, pureblooded Slytherin witch. But tonight...
  3. C

    Claudia Rhoden

    Claudia Autumn Rhoden (aka Dia) Current Age: 27 Basic Appearance: Claudia is short with a very petite figure, pale skin and short dark hair. She is very beautiful with large, dark eyes looks very frail. She dresses in very unusual clothing, nothing that could be considered "normal". All of...