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  1. J

    A Spoon?!

    Jerrod saw the waitress come over and left Riley to order first. Ladies first after all. Also, he'd been too busy thinking about the ring in his pocket and had barely taken in anything on the menu when he was reading it. For all he knew, Riley could have been talking to him this whole time and...
  2. J

    A Spoon?!

    It didn't take very long to get to the restaurant that Riley had chosen but they'd put Asher in a push chair anyway as it made it easier to sit him next to the table. The trio entered the restaurant. Jerrod recalled being here a couple of times but he didn't go out very often. It was a nice...
  3. J

    A Spoon?!

    Jerrod smiled. He was very forgiving when it came to the people he loved but it was still nice for people to try and earn his forgiveness. It made him feel less used. He knew obviously that Riley wasn't using him but it cheered him up that she was making an effort to make him happy after the...
  4. J

    A Spoon?!

    Jerrod had spent the last two hours cleaning, tidying and generally just trying to get his mind off things. It hadn't worked very well but at least the house was looking nice. While Riley had been away he'd been more interested in spending time with his son and the rest of his family rather than...
  5. J

    A Spoon?!

    Jerrod involuntary smirked at Riley's comment. Of course he wasn't going to send her an owl telling her all about what was happening at home. For starters, not much did happen at home as - for a scitorari anyway - he lived a pretty normal life. He got up in the morning, took Asher to his mum's...
  6. J

    A Spoon?!

    Jerrod was surprised at the daggers she stared at him. If looks could kill... He understood when she spoke again but was still very confused. "I can hardly stop him from growing up just because you're on tour. Just because you're not here doesn't mean I'm going to stop teaching him how to do the...
  7. J

    A Spoon?!

    Jerrod had wait up most of the night for Riley to come home but had been disappointed when he'd gone to bed alone...again. He'd said it was fine for her to go out with her band but he hated saying no to her. Riley was his everything and he didn't want to upset her but he hated the fact that he...
  8. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod couldn't help but feel happy when she said she wouldn't find out about the baby without him. It made him feel like he was an important factor in her life. He already knew that of course but it was nice having the proof every now and then. It was a good boost on his self esteem which was...
  9. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod had been about to tell her about his visit home. It was becoming a daily thing now as Riley was always at gigs at night and needed a lie in in the morning. It was better to leave her to rest and go and see his family for a bit. His words were stopped before he could even start to say any...
  10. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod smiled as he walked through the front door of their house. He saw Riley sat on the sofa and walked over to her. There had been something different about her recently but he didn't know why. She had been moodier, short-tempered. He had tried his best to keep her happy but there was only so...
  11. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod moved down to the sofa with Riley so that he was led on top of her. He heard her words in his ears and felt his heart skip a beat. Those words still surprised him. He knew how lucky he was and he couldn't believe it. "I love you to." Jer's lips brushed the side of Riley's ear as he spoke...
  12. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod wasn't sure about her last request. He had grown up wanting to be exactly like his dad. If Jer one day had a son that wanted to be just like him then he wouldn't want to lie about whatvhe was. Then again, Riley was probably going against everything she believed in by saying yes to him and...
  13. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod saw Riley's sadness in his face and he felt upset that he had caused this for her. He didn't want to make her sad. Then she smiled and Jerrod's eyes widened a bit. He heard what she said and smiled then felt a huge amount of joy when she leaned in and kissed him. When they separated he...
  14. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod smirked "Well maybe you'll have to behave good as well. Otherwise you won't be allowed to see them." He loved teasing Riley. Her reaction to it was what made it fun for him. He would never do it otherwise. "That sounds great." Riley's music was so amazing. He had great fun just sitting...
  15. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod beamed from ear to ear. He loved being called prince. Probably because he was too stuck up for his own good but he would never admit to that. "It's been great." Jerrod had spent the day with his younger sisters and his mum. They were growing up fast. It was almost time for them to start...
  16. J

    Umm... What?!

    Jerrod was settling into the new house with Riley. He still hadn't managed to find a job with a stable income which was a priority of his. He didn't want to live out his mother's pocket for too much longer. However, on the good side of life he was now a death eater. He'd been accepting a few...
  17. J

    Moving homes

    Jerrod couldn't help but laugh. He knew exactly how his mum would react. "You can try if you want. My mum doesn't accept presents except for christmas and her birthday. She doesn't even allow them on mother's day." Jer was glad Riley was attempting to get on with Sam. Even if his mother would...
  18. J

    The Bi-Weekly Update!

    Awesome one Donna. Well done everyone :D
  19. J

    Rate the Sig

    9/10 - I love it but can't read the text
  20. J

    Moving homes

    Jerrod hugged Riley close to him then smirked as she spoke "Don't thank me. It's mum who paid for it and she's paying for all bills until we get jobs." Sam did the same for all of her children. Though it had taken longer with Nick as he had moved to England while he was still in school and was...