Search results for query: *

  1. L

    Graphics Request [C]

    :cry: They're beautiful :wub:
  2. L

    Graphics Request [C]

    Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lola Mason Banner Type: Pretty sure you know at this point that I'm not a picky person LOL!! *Banner Size: Up to you entirely Celebrity you're using: Kate Voegele Images on banner: [ * ] *Background Image: Whatever you think looks best with this...
  3. L

    Rate the Sig

    10/10 Always love your banners Emzies!!
  4. L

    Emzies Please :) [C]

    I would like Emzies to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lola Mason Banner Type: Single Image *Banner Size: Up to you Celebrity you're using: Kate Voegele Images on banner: [ * ] Text on banner: Lola Mason *Fonts on banner: Whatever you think looks best *Colour...
  5. L

    Kaitlyn or Emzies Please [C]

    I would like Kaitlyn or Emzies to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lola Mason Banner Type: Blend please. *Banner Size: Up to you. Celebrity you're using: Kate Voegele Images on banner: Something from here. The ones where she is in the white shirt please. *Background...
  6. L

    Graduation 2028

    [color=deepskyblue]Today was a much anticipated day for every seventh year at Hogwarts. Today was graduation day. Today they would each walk across the stage and descend as adults ready to take on the world. Today Lola Mason was graduating. It was a little bittersweet for her. She'd spent...
  7. L

    What have you done to your character that made you guilty?

    Hmm...well Kat's pretty much been suffering with her weight/anorexia since her 5th year in school. I had her heart broken on more than one occasion and just take my word for it the worst is still yet to come :erm: I'm pretty nice to all my other characters xD
  8. L

    Rate the Sig

    9/10 I love everything except for that green blob covering up his face in the picture on the right hand side. Other than that it's awesome and I love the PB :wub:
  9. L

    It's just another wish you wished

    Hearing another guitar joining in with her Lola looked up from what she was doing and grinned at the young boy who was a few yards away from her. She continued to play and realized that her new companion wasn't bad in the least, in fact taking in that he looked to be a first year he was pretty...
  10. L

    My poor Gyffindor

    =)) Shall lurk when I log back onto my little one.
  11. L

    Out and About

    All I can say is you better be glad Andy's been in hiding and doesn't get out much because Kat would whoop her arse from here to next year.
  12. L

    My poor Gyffindor

    *pokes* Kynleigh and Faxen...tis all I'm saying.
  13. L

    Favorite Character on HNZ

    Nyawwww, Grande :woot:
  14. L

    It's just another wish you wished

    [color=deepskyblue]It was a nice sunny Saturday afternoon and there was no place that Lola would have rather been than outside in the beautiful weather. She'd finished her assignments so the seventh year grabbed her guitar and the journal that Daniel had given her for her birthday and headed...
  15. L

    I Was Enchanted to Meet You

    Hearing Daniel say that he was going to be there for her made Lola's heart pitter patter against her chest. To her it meant that he intended to be with her for a while and that in itself made her want to squeal, though she contained herself. The brunette had seen her cousin go in and out of...
  16. L

    A lot of posts

    Pfft...big deal. 40,000 ain't that much :r Keeding :wub: Awesome!! Thanks for everything you've done for the site! You're the bestest ^_^
  17. L

    Kaitlyn Please [C]

    *squee* I :wub: it!! It's so like...perfect for Lola ^_^ Thank you!! :hugs:
  18. L

    Kaitlyn Please [C]

    I would like Kaitlyn to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lola Mason Banner Type: One-Image *Banner Size: Up to you. Celebrity you're using: Kate Voegele Images on banner: Any of these that you choose to use. [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] [ ♥ ] Text on banner...
  19. L

    What are you listening to?

    The Wind Blew All Around Me--Mary Lou Lord
  20. L

    I Was Enchanted to Meet You

    [color=deepskyblue]The brunette shrugged slightly and said, "I dunno, probably because I'm still deciding if I even want to do know, put myself out there like that. Marleigh's good, I mean like really really she should be famous good. I just don't know if I'm at that point...