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  1. L

    Lets make stuff happens

    Llheione felt a force at her back that seems to make her fall forward. She was not aware of the person bumping, it made her fall making her hands some kind of a shield throughtout the bumpy and rocky street of Brightstone. A stinging sensation throb on her left hand and blood gush out of it...
  2. L

    Lets make stuff happens

    After a remarkable lunch with a friend and her cousin Llheione bid a good bye at her friend and her cousin. She had a great conversation with the two but of course, a plan was made and she and her cousin was left alone at the place she hates to go with a guy, it was just too emba- rrasing to be...
  3. L

    Y12 Ravenclaws Quidditch Try-Outs!

    The sixth year Ravenclaw girl listened at the captain as he gave some direction on what to do. Llheione nodded once her name was mentioned and two more other guys names who are competing on the same title of being the beater for the Ravenclaw house team. Once everyone is instructed, one by one...
  4. L

    Cause baby your a firework, come and let your colors burst

    Kate: Brightstone is open now, maybe a get together lunch? or shopping or whatever is on your mind? Domino: That could work, want me to start a topic/thread?
  5. L

    Cause baby your a firework, come and let your colors burst

    Kateness: That could work do you always have the plots in mind xD and I appreciate that. We can work this out on Brightstone if you would like.
  6. L

    Cause baby your a firework, come and let your colors burst

    L L H E I O N E C O L E The smart @ss, fun, loving and caring Ravenclaw girl. She is an only child and takes a lot of grudge to her cousin Lexi which who graduated before her. Llheione is on the path where she is very lonely at this very moment because of her missing her mother, you see...
  7. L

    get over it

    xD I remember this, so funny
  8. L

    What are you listening to?

    Shake it up by Selena Gomez
  9. L

    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear, Television When will I be conquering you back? This Monday? I hope so cause my recordings are in the DVR are no one is watching them. I want to watch my new Supernatural because Sam and Dean are sexy and I want to see my favorite angel, Angel Castiel :wub: (Stupid does not post the...
  10. L

    Answer the phone

    I will definitely answer the phone and say 'Yes, you can use my house' (I'm a big fan of MCR) The Phone is ringing, Its jigsaw, asking you to play his game, are you going to answer it?
  11. L

    O Hai

    Llheione found the girl's name to be Dannii and Llheione found Dannii's name very pr- etty but boyish. Now that they knew each o- ther, they can have no awkward moments. Dannii then said that she is fine but it seems to Llheione that she is not, "Of course I am fine. No worries. I just like a...
  12. L

    O Hai

    She saw how she startled the other girl and made her dropped her pencil at the edge of the cliff. Llheione did not intend to be like that nor she wanted to startled the other girl. "My apology for dropping your pencil." She held her head down from guiltiness. She then lifted her head once...
  13. L

    Y12 Ravenclaws Quidditch Try-Outs!

    Llheione made her way toward the Quidditch Pitch, she had heard that try outs are on going and she wanted to try out for the team. She had missed flying and her mother wont allow her to fly at the backyard because they live in a muggle suburban. Now that she is back at Hogwarts, she will have...
  14. L

    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear, Firefox of mine You scared me when you crashed suddenly in the middle of re-writing one of my character's bio and I thought you aren't going to re-open again in the same spot of the tab but you did and thank you for that. Next time, I won't open 6 tabs at one browser, so you can run fast...
  15. L

    O Hai

    The spring air blew softly as Llheione walked toward the vast cliffs of the School. It is suppose to be dang- erous and off limits to the students of Hogwarts but this sixteen years old Ravenclaw is not that smart to think of it. Ravenclaws are suppose to be smart and or witty but to...
  16. L

    What are you listening to?

    Shake it up by Super Juniors
  17. L

    To Fight For America

    Good Luck fighting for our country (Even though I'm Asian :P ) I know how hard to be a U.S Marine Corps because my step-dad is one. Good Lucky again -Joyce :wub:
  18. L

    Hey guys!!

    Hello, fellow filipino. I, myself, came from the Philippines as well and glad that many filipino have spotted that magazine. Welcome to HNZ and by the looks of it, you have manage to survive the site xD but if you still need help just ask me or the Admins (Nicolas King and Cecily Zchefarovich)...
  19. L

    I havnt seen you before

    "Oh, shuss. I think there are lot's of pretty girls than me in Beauxbatons and If I'm not mistaken your already taken." She exclaimed giggling and shook her head slightly. She really doesn't understand boys they couldn't stick to one girl that they have and still looking for another. "Yes, its...