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  1. W

    The Bennett Household 2

    With her tail wagging a mile a minute, Whisper took the opratunity to stir up some fun. She barked and yipped loudly, darting back and forth around the room and knocking things over like the michevious little kid she should have been. Then with a final sharp whine, she charged toward Estrella...
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    The Bennett Household

    If Whisper had been in her human form at the moment, she'd have smiled. As a Shifter and a young one at that, it was easy to forget that most people prefured to assumed that the things they saw were exactly what they appeared to be. Unable to actually grin without looking aggressively, she...
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    The Bennett Household

    Attracted by the ruckus and the obvious scent of hostility, Whisper padded cautiously into the room, growling softly at the two boys from whom the hostility was apperently generating. She was just about to bring her volume higher into one of blatant warning when her nose picked up a vaguely...
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    The Bennett Household

    Still in her malamute form, Whisper trotted into the room wagging her tail in greeting to no one in particular.
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    Bennett Household

    At the smell of the meat, Whisper's restraint fell to dust. Ignoring the pain of her hind paw, crawled over to it, snapping down a few cubes before retreating back against the door. Part of her expected to be struck, after all this stranger did believe that she was little more than a dog, and...
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    Bennett Household

    Whisper's mouth watered at the mention of food. She hadn't eaten much of anything in days and already she was little more than skin and bones with hunger. Even so, when the stranger bent to pick her up, her instincts told her to bite and claw, to do whatever she could to get away. Instead she...
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    Bennett Household

    Whisper shivered, uncertain whether she should snap at the hand that touched her or tilt her head for more. She'd never been petted before. Her nose caught a strange scent, a fusion of wolf and man, and her shivering increased as she realized what her nose was telling her, even though she'd...
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    Bennett Household

    Whisper lay sprawled across the centerline of the street, shivering uncontrollably though the fur of her Malamute form was quite warm. Her left hind paw was paw was bleeding badly and for a moment panic welled within her like a sickness of blinding cold, but it didn’t last too long before she...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    With a soft whimper, Whisper began to stir. The cold of the rain against her skin quickly began to rouse her back to conciousness and within a minute she opened her eyes, startled to find herself in the arms of a stranger. She didn't wait for him to react to her waking, did wait to fully grasp...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Whisper's world swam and reeled behind her closing eyelids. And then, with a strangled sigh, she knew no more.
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Whisper stared at him, her eyes dark and hollow in the eeriest of ways. She could feel the pain grinding through her arm but she didn't react to it. "You have betrayed me," she murmured in a low, hateful tone. "You have lied to me my entire life, taking from me the thing I wanted most." With a...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Whisper didn't go willingly. She kicked and screamed and tried to claw him to pieces but it didn't do any good. "Let me go!" she shreiked like the six year old that she was. "Let me go. I hate you! I hate you!" Tears streaked down her pale face, which was quickly turning a rosy shade of pink...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Whisper looked away, her eyes darkening with hot rage as tears began to blur her vision. She had never been angry before and it frightened her a bit, her fist shaking with the turmoil of all the emotions churning through her little form. She looked at her mother and felt her anger errupt. It...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Whisper stared at him, her eyes piercing with a deep sadness, the stab of true betrayal throbbing in her gut. Serpentes had raised her like a true-- though somewhat psychotic-- Jaju like a true grandfather. He'd shown her kindness as well as disiplene, morals of life alongside the darkness and...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Whisper could hardly breath, her mind reeling with a thousand thoughts at once. There, at the base of her mother's thoat, a mark of the darkest black marred her perfect, milky skin. There wasn't an ink in the world that could produce such a color and Whisper could tell by the way the mark...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    The mansion was dark and empty when Whisper finally reached it and of course all the doors were locked. Finding the window of her mother’s bedroom was an easy task in itself but getting inside took a bit of work. It wasn't until she figured out how to half Shift enough to regain most of her...
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    Of Lies and Betrayal

    Rain pelted down from a gray smothered sky as Whisper fled home on ashen wings. Her heart was beating faster than it ever had before, her wings pumping up and down in a pallid blur. Though her glossy feathers a spray of icy droplets stung her skin, drumming some tuneless chant into her veins as...
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    Sepentes' mansion

    Now it was Whisper's turn to smile. "And you know well as I that Shifters don't need sleep as much as a muggle or a normal wizard. A couple minutes is the equivalent of a good ten hour sleep to us. I know my nature, Jaju, and you have taught me never to hold my tongue simply because I am young...
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    Sepentes' mansion

    "Then let me say again that I do not like leaving her alone," Whisper said undauntedly, leaving her mother's side with uttmost reluctance to join her guardian at the window. "As you told me once, she was torn from this world with no one beside her. What kind of daughter would I be to her to...
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    Sepentes' mansion

    Whisper said nothing at first, curling up tighter beside her mother as if the lifeless woman could possibly do anything to keep her there. "I couldn't sleep and this house gets so noisy at night." She murmured timidly, hiding her face against her mother's cold arm. "I don't like leaving her alone."