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  1. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Y46 Electives Fair

    The bright February sun was heating the entire courtyard up as Kahurangi entered to set up for the fair, and the heat emanating from the stone of the castle had her half considering moving the fair in to the Great Hall instead. But sunny days were meant to be enjoyed, so instead she set up a...
  2. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Open It Moves Too Fast

    Twenty years. Somehow, it had managed to pass in the blink of an eye. She had been fresh out of uni desperate to snap up any teaching job that reared its head, and then suddenly she had been two decades older, senior staff and head of house at her own old school. Kahurangi still didn't quite...
  3. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Open Electives Fair Y43

    As summer wound down the weather had stayed pleasantly warm, much to Kahurangi's delight. She was pleased to take advantage for the electives fair, setting up the tables in the bright sunshine of the courtyard. It would be nice for the professors to get out of the castle for once as they...
  4. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Y41 Electives Fair

    The beginning of autumn was turning out delightfully warm so far, and Kahurangi was looking forward to sharing the sunshine with her colleagues and a new batch of second years as they underwent the annual tradition of welcoming young minds into their subjects. She put up a few magical shields...
  5. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Open Y41 Club Fair

    It had been a while since Kahurangi had hosted the club fair, and she had braced herself appropriately. In her experience these things could be chaotic and messy, and she was determined to keep a clear head and not get distracted by everything going on around her. She had set up a table for...
  6. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Electives Fair Y39

    Though the summer sunshine was quickly fading as autumn began, Kahurangi was still pleased to have a comfortably warm day for the electives fair. The light filtering through the courtyard as she set up the usual tables for all the professors warmed her heart, and she hummed cheerfully as she...
  7. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Open Turning Back The Clock

    Kahurangi had always enjoyed thinking outside the box when it came to Halloween costumes, but she had to admit she had entirely outdone herself this year. The long hair was the part that felt strangest, tickling her shoulders and the sides of her face in a way she absolutely wasn't used to...
  8. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Profs/Staff Halloween Group?

    HI ALL I've had this idea for years and I keep not making it happen, so now's the time. I know a lot of us with prof characters use PBs who have had quite long careers in the spotlight, which means generally there are a lot of older photos etc we don't ever get the chance to use. So I...
  9. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Closed Shared Circumstance

    Kahurangi had never been especially good at holding down a social life at the best of times, and that was a problem she had been quite certain having a baby wouldn't help. She had done her best to establish decent contact with as many friends as she could before things got busy, inviting them...
  10. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Closed New Life

    After so many years of wanting to be a mother, part of Kahurangi had worried the experience wouldn't live up to her expectations. That she would hold her daughter for the first time, and wouldn't feel the way she was supposed to, somehow. With Hinemoa sleeping soundly in her arms though...
  11. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Electives Fair Y37

    Kahurangi had never in her life seen a point in wasting sunshine. In her opinion, if the weather allowed it, there was no reason not to get outdoors. So naturally, the courtyard seemed like the perfect place to set up the electives fair for the second years. What she hadn't banked on...
  12. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Closed New Arrival

    Although she had spent the first few years of her job isolated and shy, Kahurangi felt fairly confident that with time she had done a fairly good job of making friends with her colleagues. Although she struggled to connect with the new people who filtered in and out on occasion, she had found a...
  13. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Closed Teammates

    Kahurangi didn't have a ton of time for hobbies these days, with Hogwarts taking up the vast majority of her time, but every weekend there were a few hours that were just for her. She absolutely loved rugby, and though she knew she would need to take a break from playing hopefully sooner rather...
  14. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Closed Looking Forward

    Kahurangi didn't take all that much time in the staff room these days. She had never been terribly good at making social time with her colleagues to begin with, but the burdens of having an entire House relying on her only took up more of the time she had failed to designate for a social life...
  15. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Closed Familiar Ground

    It had been a long time since Kahurangi had been back to the city she had called home for so many years while studying, but she had jumped at the chance as soon as it presented itself. Running into one of her former classmates in the magical world had been a pleasant surprise, and she was glad...
  16. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Open Unspoken

    Open after Emzies Though she had cultivated a bad habit of hiding away in her office in her early years working at Hogwarts, Kahurangi had taken to roaming the castle more and more since becoming a Head of House. It had been a decision born of utility at first, as she had an entire house to...
  17. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Old School Week Quiet Consideration

    Kahurangi's life had felt empty for a long time. There was no secret in that, and it was an emptiness she had tried hard to fill with work and friends. Holding her newest nephew over the holidays had cemented her feelings though, and there was no denying it anymore. She wanted to be a mother...
  18. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Electives Fair Y34

    Although most of the new duties she had faced as Head of House had made Kahurangi nervous, feeling out of her depth and unprepared, this was one job she was actually quite confident in her ability to do. She had been attending every Electives Fair for years now, and setting the Great Hall up in...
  19. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Open Y33 Club Fair

    A rare sunny day in August felt like something that should be made the most of, and Kahurangi was pleased that the pleasant weather had coincided with the day of the club fair, allowing them to set up outside. She had arranged tables all around the courtyard, with plenty of space for club...
  20. Professor Kahurangi Josephs

    Step Out

    It had happened slowly and gradually, but Kahurangi had realised earlier this year that she was spending nearly all her time at Hogwarts cooped up in her office, not talking to anyone or doing anything other than working. She enjoyed being able to focus on the career she had worked so hard for...