Hogwarts New Zealand

Mary Lou Layton
Mary Lou Layton
That's not a nice thing to say! You should not be happy, maybe something bad happened, how would you feel?
Wendall Layton
Jacob Kingsley
Jacob Kingsley
@Mary Lou Prindeou - why do you assume something has to be wrong with him? Maybe he got tired of kids like me and is just as happy that he doesn't have to see me again.
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
I kinda liked the old bloke. I think the younger kids are stuck with Mowry now. Remember him? Nice to look at but crankier than a baby without a pacifier?
Hezekiah Mowry
Hezekiah Mowry
*gorgeous to look @. I'm practically a kpop star.
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
Jaaaaaaaake the pretty professor was eavesdropping.