Seventh Years, Lesson One

"Now, as I am sure you are all aware, you have all made it into the seventh year NEWT class for Charms. So congratulations, few make it this far!" Misha smiled at his students. "I believe this is the best year for charms, as they will be difficult, but very rewarding. Do not be fooled however, that won't make this easy!" Said Misha, getting off the desk and walking in front of his students, smiling as he did so. He took out his wand, and waved it in the general direction of the board, the chalk wrote on the board what they would be covering during the year. He didn't mind if students chose to not right this out, it wasn't necessary.

Patronus Charm

This year was quite unlike the rest of them, in the sense that the spells were more difficult and needed so much more practice, however they were useful, as were charms in general. One of the many perks of charms, was that they were actually useful. "Charms are something that you will be utilizing the rest of your life. Whether you are using them in your career or not. So, pay attention in class, do the reading, we'll get along, it'll be enjoyable and you'll pass with no problems." Misha nodded slightly, he looked from the board to his students. "Right, so that's all I have to say for today, Feel free to spend the rest of the time practicing, or studying, either here, or somewhere else. And I'll be here to answer any questions you may have."

- RP the Lesson. Attendance post is fine
Aurora couldn’t believe she was in her final semester of school. So much had happened between when she’d first arrived and now, now it was almost over. That felt too unreal for her. Too unreal. In her mind she did still feel like the 11 year old who’d arrived, but she really wasn’t. The teen was now already considering pre-filling out the job application to be a healer. She knew that she had to manage this semester to get it, but Aurora felt pretty optimistic about her chances with it. The teen was getting herself together, gathering up books and notes, making sure she had everything she would need before she headed out of the room.

Aurora walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the front of the classroom as the professor got started. She smiled eagerly at the last spell they would be covering in this semester. She had known that this was coming and yet she was still eager for it. She took down all the spells that they would be covering and then with that the lesson was seemingly over. She packed up her things and then headed out of the room.
Rosie missed Xinyi like he was a missing limb. Just apart from him. It was just six months though, so she knew she’d be able to get through it and then she’d spend all of her time as close to him at she could. THis was her last semester and she was looking forward to graduating and being able to move forward with her life. She wasn’t quite sure what she wanted but she had no doubt about her ability to get it. The teen was gathering her things up, she was a little a little unwell, just more vomit-y that general, but she was sure it was nothing and headed out of the dorm at the same time as Aurora.

Rosie managed to get herself enough together that she was able to go to the charms class. She sat down next to her sister and looked towards the board and the professor at the front of the room. She smiled easily, and began writing down the spells that they’d cover in the semester. The teen then glanced at the professor as the man then told them a little more and then shortly after dismissed them. Rosie packed up her things and then headed out of the room.
If you'd asked Aine in first year if she thought she'd be in Charms in seventh year, she would have told you not to be stupid, she wasn't even going to be at Hogwarts in seventh year as they'd work out their mistake before too long. And yet, here she was, feeling strangely better than she had ever felt in all her years at the school. Her holiday had left her with a strange sense of calm, and the incident before Christmas...well, as awful as it had been, she had come out of it knowing that yes, actually, magic could be used for good, and she could use it to help people.

The charms they would be studying seemed pretty tough, maybe not all of them were necessarily as useful but she really did look forward to trying the patronus charm. Aine knew it was extremely difficult, and that she might not necessarily even be able to pull it off, but at this point even she had to believe she had earned the ability to try. She took down notes on each new charm, skimming through the text to make notes on what each charm did, before packing up and heading out of the classroom for the afternoon.
Demetrius was a little stunned that this was it - this was his last semester at Hogwarts. It felt like he'd been here forever, and honestly he was a little surprised he'd lasted this long. Part of him thought they let muggleborns in as a joke, or something, just to kick them out latter on. But he couldn't doubt he had magical abilities, and recently hadn't been doing too bad in terms of exams so something must have gone right.

Demetrius settled into class, readying himself for something challenging. Transfiguration had been tricky, he had no doubt charms at this level would prove a similar challenge. He listened to the professor, and took down the names of the charms they'd be learning to look up later. He was determined to get good grades; his future depended on it. Once class was over, he got up and left to go do some preliminary study on the spells.

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