Open Only For Tonight

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Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (13)
Callie was feeling pretty good about the semester she'd just had. She had had a good semester really. Her classes had gone well, it was a lot of work, but it wasn't completely unmanageable. It was just manageable enough really. The teen was at the yuleball, she was wearing a little red dress, which in comparison to most of the dresses felt like a silly summer dress and not a gown, she just knew her parents would never let her have a proper gown. She was wondering towards the dancefloor, looking out for any of her friends whom she could flag down and then be able to try to entice them to dance with her.
Elodie was excited for the dance. She'd decided that she wanted to spend more time with the others, and the dance seemed like a good way to do that. She arrived at the ball in a simple dress. She spotted her roommate and walked over, smiling. "Hi, Callie! You look great. Having fun?" She asked, trying to remember all the conversation lines she'd been practicing.
Callie glanced at Elodie with a smile. "Yeah!" she said, though she hadn't been able to have the most fun yet. She had just arrived. "You look beautiful Elodie, I feel so underdressed," she complimented, having always found that her roommate dressed nicely. "Want to dance?" she asked with an eager smile, wanting to just have more fun.
Elodie smiled brightly and held out her hand for her friend. "I would love to dance," She agreed. "Your dress looks great- I bet it's easy to move in," She offered, trying to make her feel better. "Let's go!" She was bouncing now, excited to have someone to spend the night with.
Callie smiled with ease as Elodie agreed to dance. She took her hand and let Elodie be the one to lead them out to the dance floor, immediately falling in step with her to dance. She loved the fun that could be had at these events.
Elodie wasn't the best dancer, and stumbled a few times, giggling and trying to keep her balance. She swayed, smiling at her roommate. "You are soo graceful Callie, I don't know how you do it," She complimented her roommate, wiggling a bit awkwardly. "How is this so fun though?"
Callie gave a little giggle and smiled. "You should tell my parents that," she had never been called graceful before, though her parents had always wanted her to be graceful. She just thought of herself more as gentle. But she liked dancing, and dancing with Elodie was easy. "It just is," she replied.
Elodie laughed. "If I yell it loud enough, would they hear me?" She teased. She kept swaying even as the songs changed. "Would you like to go get some drinks?" She asked, trying to push her hair back. Who knew dancing was such work? She giggled, enjoying the way the music felt. It was almost like it was dancing with them.
Callie laughed lightly at what Elodie said. "You can certainly try," Callie joked with her, before nodding. "Please," she said. "Dancing is such thirsty work," she smiled easily as she said it, and went to try and take Elodie's hand, not wanting to lose her in the crowd of people.
Elodie accepted Callie's hand easily and started towards the drinks, having to duck and dodge through the crowd. Thankfully, though, eventually she managed to fall out from the crowd and to the table. "Well there's a maze," She laughed, looking back to make sure Callie was still with her.
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