Closed Picking Up The Pieces

Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (15)
The whole reason Chase was prone to keeping his distance from others was to keep himself from getting hurt. If he didn't get close to people it became so much harder for anyone to hurt him. Break his trust. And now that was exactly what he had done last year. Hurt someone who trusted him. Hurt the one person that had decided to stick with him, even if he had been a terrible friend in return. Truth be told, Chase had always expected he'd mess things up at some point. He just hadn't expected to mess it up this badly. Part of him had tried to ignore that fact that first, tried to make himself believe that perhaps it hadn't been that bad. That if he just waited it out Leah would eventually start talking to him again. That's what she usually did, after all, seek him out so they could hang even if he hadn't been planning on it. But it had been months and she still hadn't talked to him, which had made the thought that maybe she actually didn't want to be his friend anymore start creeping up on him. A thought that made him feel uneasy, even if he wouldn't blame her. A thought that had actually pushed him to take matters into his own hand. He couldn't lose the person that had showed him what it was like to have an actual friend. Leah had stuck with him through all of his moods and avoidance and he missed having her around, unwarranted advice included. So, Chase had camped out at the seventh floor corridor, watching students head in and out of the common room until he spotted who he was looking for. He was sure she had seen him too but called out her name nonetheless, heart sinking when it seemed like she picked up her pace to get away from him. "Leah." Chase repeated as he walked after her. "Will you just talk to me?" He lightly grabbed her wrist in an attempt to get her to stop walking away from him, unable to hide the hint of despair that had crept into his voice. "Please?"

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Leah knew she was stubborn. Her mother always mentioned it when she tried to put her foot down. Somehow she still usually lost those confrontations. But the situation with Chase was different. He had started it. If he wanted to be distant and ignore her, well two could play that game. And if her mother was right about one thing about her, she was stubborn. Part of her expected they would go the rest of their lives without ever speaking again, despite having classes together. So she was surprised when she heard her name being called as she stepped out of the common room. Leah glanced over her shoulder and froze for a moment when she saw it was Chase. She felt a moment of excitement, then panic, then annoyance in quick succession and decided to lean into the last one. With a huff she kept walking. She heard his footsteps and she tried to move faster without fully running, but he caught up to her and grabbed her arm. She was tempted to still ignore him but the pleading in his voice made her resolve weaken slightly. So with a defiant tilt to her chin she turned to him. "What?" she asked exasperatedly.
Chase truly deeply hated this situation. He wasn't a good talker nor was he good in reaching out or dealing with his own emotions. If he was, he might not have messed up so badly last year in the first place. It did make him realize how much he had taken Leah for granted though, especially when he had been fully shutting her out and yet she had kept trying to spend time with him. Even Leah could only take so much though and he had finally beaten the odds and driven her off last year. Which meant she probably wasn't going to easily forgive him either and he wouldn't blame her. No, this was on him and he needed to fix it. Even if that meant going against everything inside of him by slamming down his walls, trying to be more vulnerable. He was going to stumble and he was going to fall but he had to try. That was the only thing he was certain of right now. Leah's reaction made him immediately let go off her arm and take a small step back. At least he had gotten her attention. "Look I know you don't want to talk to me.. I get it." Chase offered, head working overtime as he tried to figure what to say and how to say it. "But I want to.. I don't.." He stumbled over his own words, dragging a hand down his face in annoyance with himself. Why was this so difficult? "Sh*t, I'm sorry, okay?" He eventually blurted out, shoving his hands in his pockets to keep himself from fumbling with them. "I know I'm a terrible friend and I know you don't deserve that and I know that I can't just.. fix this.. but I- I'm sorry."

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