Recent content by Sarana Pheonix

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    The New Character/Celebrity List

    Name: Sarana Pheonix Group: Member UnClaiming: Holly Marie Combs Claiming: April Matson
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    Sara had came into the library to finish up some work for her classes as well as clean some of the shelves since she was first and foremost a librarian. She heard the commotion but kept out of it since it was of course none of her business to intervene in student affairs however when it seemed...
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    After the Chaos-Prefects and other students

    Sara had to admit Professor Lloyd's voice kinda shook her out of her little world. "Maybe I should help" she decided as she walked around and began trying to push students toward's their prefects as calmly as she could. "We're all gonna die!" yelled out some crazy first year as Sara was walking...
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    After the Chaos-Prefects and other students

    Looking around at everyone Sara was a bit confused "so are we supposed to be scared or screaming?" she asked thinking that perhaps it would be better to wait the rest of this out at the Library. It had been a while since she'd been up their "Alicia's a pretty powerfull witch, I think she'd be...
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    After the Chaos-Prefects and other students

    "well... that's interesting" Sara replied trying to remeber what Death Eaters were, she remembered reading about them in her history books back at the Witches Academy but couldn't quite remeber who they were "and death eaters are?" she asked somewhat stupidely knowing full well that they were...
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    After the Chaos-Prefects and other students

    Sara was running late for alot of things lately and by the time she was ready to head out for the 2nd task she noticed all the people on the lawn. She walked out trying to find out what was going on and overheard that the headmistress had been kidnapped "Is it part of the tournament?" Sara asked...
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    Sarana Pheonix[F]

    Character Name: Sara Pheonix Images you want on the banner: (I would like the Hair to be changed to Bright Red; How it is now) (I would like this to be the background but the color changed to something that would match my characters hair better; black, blue or green maybe) Text you want...
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    Sleeping in the library

    "well I'm still kinda new but I can check the catalog and see if any book match it, I'll be right back" Sara said walking away.
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    A job suited for Zion

    Department of Magical Transportation has nobody working for them, you could apply for them.
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    Sleeping in the library

    ((sorry I meant to put that you were not drooling all over the book since you never made any mention of it so I'll edit it)) "It's not a problem, I understand it's examination's week and alot of students get a bit overcooked" Sara said with a wink
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    Sleeping in the library

    "can I help you girls with anything?" Sara asked seeing the two girls talking, she had noticed one of them napping earlier and since she wasn't drooling all over the book didn't want to disturb her. It was exam week and students cramming tended to fall asleep in the library, at least Sara did...
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    Sarana Pheonix

    Name: Sarana/ Sara for short. Jane Pheonix Birthdate: April 4th 1990 Age Now: 29 *Blood Status: Half Blood Hair (color, length etc.): Vivid Red hair; long Eyes (color, interesting feature/shape about them etc.): Brown History: Born in the New York City, Sarana or Sara for short is very...
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    Sara was new but already boredom consumed her. It was annoying, that with so many wizards around this place would drive her insane. she simple conceded to just walking around and hopefully something would strike her interest.