Recent content by Nusa Mauven

  1. N

    Say Yes?

    [color=mediumblue][font=cambria] Nusa was quickly falling deep sleep but when Terence started to talk she could feel herself falling in and out of sleep. She felt him kneel down beside her; she opened her eyes to see a hazy image of Terences face, very close to her. She smiled softly as she...
  2. N

    Say Yes?

    [color=mediumblue][font=cambria]If someone would have told Nusa that she would have been in this position a little over a year ago she wouldn't have believed them. Moved out of her pokey little flat, that she adored, to a big house with a guy and their baby - the baby part was what she...
  3. N

    Mistakes & Parties

    [color=mediumblue][font=cambria]Nusa thought this was a bit surreal, that her friends were just a few feet away enjoying the hired entertainment and she was here getting up close and personal in a different way with the other dancer, the one that was originally hired for the party. Not that Nusa...
  4. N

    Mistakes & Parties

    [color=mediumblue][font=cambria]Nusa couldn’t believe she had allowed herself to be talked into actually dancing with this guy. Unfortunately this wasn’t the first time that she had allowed herself to be talked into something she was against her best judgement. She knew she was a bit of an...
  5. N

    Mistakes & Parties

    [color=mediumblue][font=cambria]Nusa didn't know what she was getting herself in for with attending the bridal shower for one of her oldest and best friends. Of course she wouldn't say no when she was asked to be the maid of honour and with that she knew she had a lot of work ahead of her...
  6. N


    Granted but now you become overactive and have a heartattack a die I wish for my wish to not be corrupted :r
  7. N


    Nusa looked over her shoulder to the dark-haired boy and smiled gently at him as she kept walking, assuming that he would take interest in walking beside her. “Can I help you?” Momentarily halting, she thought that perhaps he could help her but what was it she was looking for again? Perhaps if...
  8. N

    What are you listening to?

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps -- The Beatles
  9. N

    Shop Assist

    You must personal message Nicolas King or Cecily Zchefarovich to have that account become assistant. ^_^
  10. N


    Nusa Melora Mauven was not used to Hogwarts Scotland yet. She was a Ravenclaw that did not understand nor fully care for the tension between the houses of the school; she did not even understand that Hufflepuffs and their kind were often disliked by her family when Hogwarts schools were...
  11. N

    Plottage for two.

    Hey everyone. I am needing plottage with these characters and if you would like to do anything with them please post here or PM me. If you want to plot I'm going to ask that you stick it out because some people do constantly back out of plots and I have decided that I will no longer plot with...
  12. N

    look 'ere ladies and gentlemen

    Meet Nusa Melora Mauven. She is a Hogwarts Scotland student who was sorted into Ravenclaw in the past "year". She used to attend Durmstrang so there should be ties for her from there but most kind of thought she was odd and disliked her because of her partiality towards muggles. What I'd like...
  13. N

    Do not read this topic!; I'm watching you. No. Really.

    Happy Birthday Pat. Now you're a geezer darlin'. :P
  14. N

    What are you listening to?

    If I Had Eyes -- Jack Johnson That is, Pat.
  15. N

    Nusa Melora Mauven

    What does [T] mean? Twin. Which sibling does she like the best? Rosaline, she doesn't know the rest very well because the age difference. What are her favorite classes? Divination. What is her favorite activity to do? She enjoys painting. Why is she a muggle lover? Honestly, I don't know, I...