Recent content by Kharon Styx

  1. Kharon Styx

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Team

    Kharon Styx Ravenclaw Alternate Keeper
  2. Kharon Styx

    First Years

    Kharon Styx Ravenclaw
  3. Kharon Styx

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Kharon stayed on alert.
  4. Kharon Styx

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Kharon stayed alert for any sort of chaser heading his way.
  5. Kharon Styx

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    After being hit once, Kharon was more than ready to guard his side of the goals.
  6. Kharon Styx

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y46

    Kharon Styx figured that he ought to shoot his shot with trying out for Quidditch. He even asked if he could have a go at it, and sure enough, he could. He was not the only first year either. So, when it was his turn to announce who he was, and what position, he said in a quiet but firm voice...
  7. Y46 Kharon.png

    Y46 Kharon.png
