Recent content by Ilsa Nimitz

  1. I

    Hello 2017!

    I have never done a resolution before but I'm doing at least four; 1.) Attend RTX con (I have planned this for a very long time), 2.) Develop all my student characters each week, 3.) Go out more xD, 4.) Go to my classes, rain or shine, hail or tornado ... I hope 2017 is all good to us
  2. I

    One less parent!?

    It started as a train ride months ago and then it turned to weeks and months. All Isla knows that the days had gone pass, her classes were getting good but there's still some adjustments to be made regarding of her befriending others. Isla might not like it but keeping an eye on her sister...
  3. I

    Reactions: Y27 Sorting and Transfers!

    Yep, Zach's negativity is sooo strong Elyse end up in Hufflepuff
  4. I

    Reactions: Y27 Sorting and Transfers!

    No doubt about this one but I'm still waiting for Elyse and I still have to send another later. Elyse is definitely a Ravenclaw but I don't know. Zach's negativity might have put a curse on that one and end up being a Hufflepuff.