Recent content by Epsilon Vallumbosa

  1. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    "She fell a couple days ago from the fourth floor stairs..." Epsilon sighed, looking away. "I'd thought she was getting better. She'd been doing so well." That's the way it was with everything, though wasn't it? Nothing was ever really what it seemed.
  2. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    "It was my sister's book," Epsilon said with a sigh, leaning his head back against the wall. Is, not was, he thought sharply, correcting himself. "She... well you probably heard what happened." He went on, staring at a waterstain on the ceiling. "I guess I kind of lost it when I saw that...
  3. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    Epsilon blinked and then nodded towards the far end of the library. "Try over there." ((there aren't actual books on ghosts))
  4. E

    The Truth spills out

    "Try to hold still now, Mo," Epsilon muttered, holding his sister's arm in place as he glanced at the nurse. "I think it's set. Let's get this over with."
  5. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    Epsilon rolled his eyes. "Yes, well, unless you happen to be a wall or just open air, it wasn't my intention to throw it at you," he snapped.
  6. E

    The Truth spills out

    Taking care not to knock the broken bones out of alignment, Epsilon peeled back Mohindra’s sleeve, exposing the skin beneath. And whatever part of him that had so feebly clung to the hope that this might be the wrong arm, that when he looked, all he would see was smooth, unmarked skin, died in...
  7. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    Epsilon laughed coldly, glaring up at the girl from where he sat. "I am a librarian." He muttered, leaning his head back against the wall. He could have said more, in fact, he probably would have enjoyed flying off the handle for once but he wasn't blind. Clearly this girl was having troubles of...
  8. E

    The Truth spills out

    "Some wounds never heal," Epsilon whispered when Mohindra remained silent. He reached for his sister's arm staring at her appologetically as he did so.
  9. E

    The Truth spills out

    "Come on, Mo," Epsilon said in a quiet voice trying to be soothing, "We need to fix your arm." He reached for her arm again, moving a little slower this time. He'd known she would put up a fight about this but, terrible as it all might be for her, he'd been hoping she'd listen to reason. "It'll...
  10. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    Epsilon glanced up sharply at the girl who had adressed him, his anger and distress still boiling fiercely in his blood. He stared at her for a moment with pained eyes and then turned on his heels and waundered off a ways, muttering a feeble "sorry" over his shoulder. Sighing, he stopped at...
  11. E

    The Truth spills out

    "I'm her brother." Epsilon replied to the nurse's earlier question, without taking his eyes off his sister. To Bruin and Lily, he muttered bluntly, "Parents are dead and all our other relatives ditched us long ago, so there's no one worth contacting. Thanks anyway." Epsilon went very still, his...
  12. E

    The Truth spills out

    Epsilon waited patiently beside his sister, waiting for her to wake or for the nurse to return with news of her condition. He sloutched tiredly in the chair beside his sister's bed, resting his face in his hands with fatigue. His mind seemed to be running on nothing but fumes right now but at...
  13. E

    Guilt is a Poison

    Epsilon worked his way from aisle to aisle, cramming books roughly into their rightful places. His mind was far from his work but he struggled again and again in vain to concentrate on it, prefuring to dround himself in his work than to think about his sister. He'd been concentrating intently...
  14. E

    An unfortunate event

    Epsilon picked up his pace to match the other's, glancing nervously at his sister. She seemed to have fallen unconcious and he didn't really know how bad of sign that was. Shifting his grip on her, carefully, so he could free one of his hands, he reached down and took hold of her broken arm...
  15. E

    An unfortunate event

    Epsilon froze, staring into his sister's troubled eyes, an icy fist closing around his heart. Don't leave me, again... the words echoed hollowly through his mind, slowing time to a sickening crawl as realization dawned. She was talking about the night of their parents death and the years that...