Recent content by Cole Manick

  1. Cole Manick

    A Signature for Cole!

    Omg, these are beautiful. Thank you so much, Madz !
  2. Cole Manick

    Cole Manick

    THE MANICK OWL BATTALION ~ a history of an organisation EST. 6/01/2000 Founded January 6th, 2000 in Virginia, United States, the Manick Owl Battalion ( M.O.B ) was a organisation created and founded on the basis of ensuring the well-being and fair treatment of owls in the wizarding world...
  3. Cole Manick

    A Signature for Cole!

    Character's Name: Cole Manick Banner Type: Blend please! Celebrity you're using: Skeet Ulrich Images: X X X X X Text on banner: Cole Manick Colour Scheme: Dark or whatever is the preference of the creator :) Other: Thank you in advance! :wub:
  4. Cole Manick


    Hey there, welcome back to HNZ! I totally wasn't around when you were last here, but I'm glad to see that you've come back! :)
  5. Cole Manick

    Closed A Congregation of Winter

    There had been half a dozen meetings in the last several days which Cole had been forced to attend; as per his position as the Chief Overseer of the New Zealand branch of the M.O.B. Meetings that drew on until it seemed as though they would never come to an end. People would stand and speak...
  6. Cole Manick


    Welcome to HNZ! :)
  7. Cole Manick

    The Bi-Weekly Update!

    Killer updaaaaate! :party:
  8. Cole Manick

    I'm new.

    Welcome aboard, Brian! Joshua looks very interesting and I look forward to seeing what you do with him. I hope you enjoy your time here on HNZ! :)
  9. Cole Manick


    Welcome to HNZ, Maddy! Hope you enjoy your time here! I'm a new member myself, so if you ever want to have a thread with your character or even just chat, let me know! :)
  10. Cole Manick

    Leather Jackets & Stuff

    Hey! I'm Bjorn. Some of you might have caught me lurking around here and there whilst I found my footing a bit here on the board. Im a brand new guy around here who's joined the community and look very much forward to writing with you all hopefully. I'm from Australia and very much so enjoy...
  11. Cole Manick

    Ninety-Nine percent sure an owl just dropped this mornings breakfast on my shoulder through the...

    Ninety-Nine percent sure an owl just dropped this mornings breakfast on my shoulder through the exit-chute.
  12. Cole Manick

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  13. Cole Manick

    Cole Manick

    COLE MANICK Character's Name: Cole Abernith Manick Character's Birthdate: February 11th Hometown: Virginia, United States Blood Status: - Wand: 14" Acacia Wood, with the essence of a Owl Feather. Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland House: Slytherin Occupation: Board Member of the M.O.B (The...