Recent content by Claudia Holland

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  2. Claudia Holland

    Closed I’ve Got My Money on Things Going Badly

    Claudia hadn't known if she should expect to see her son-in-law today and wasn't sure if it was a pleasant surprise or not. It was good to see he hadn't completely abandoned her daughter and grandchildren, but poking his head in every once in a while was barely any better than not being around...
  3. Claudia Holland

    Closed I’ve Got My Money on Things Going Badly

    When the girls were young, Claudia always worried about Diana the least. She was able to stand up for herself very well, sometimes a little too well, and always seemed to grow up just a bit faster than the others. She had been stubbornly independent from the moment she could walk. Maybe, Claudia...
  4. Claudia Holland

    Closed Unexpected News

    Claudia sat up straight as she heard Phoebe’s voice. She could see the pride and excitement on her face and knew something was coming, something good. She started smiling as Phoebe told them she had an announcement, but as she finally dropped the bomb, Claudia’s smile slipped again. She had...
  5. Claudia Holland

    Closed Unexpected News

    Claudia smiled slightly at Maria´s words, nodding in agreement. "It's so strange when the youngest graduates," she said, glancing at Alice. "Granted, Alice wasn't the youngest anymore at that time, but with Lucy still a baby it seemed surreal to even consider she would go to Hogwarts too one...
  6. Claudia Holland

    Closed Unexpected News

    It always did Claudia good to see such a full table, people chatting and laughing together as they ate. She reached over and squeezed her husband's hand, glad they were all together. The whole family was here, along with the family of Phoebe's significant other Charlie. Claudia had been a bit...
  7. Claudia Holland

    Congratulations, my dear. I will leave my office without a single worry.

    Congratulations, my dear. I will leave my office without a single worry.
  8. Claudia Holland

    Closed Everyone at Home

    Claudia laughed softly when James asked about Diana, shaking her head. "No, she only dropped the news she would be bringing someone too. I fear she may feel compelled to do so because her sisters are." Claudia said, remembering how competitive Diana has always been. Their youngest heard the...
  9. Claudia Holland

    Closed Everyone at Home

    Claudia was glad to have all her daughters home for Christmas. Until recently, Diana and Alice had still lived with them, but now both girls had left the nest. Alice was living with her boyfriend and another girl, while Diana lived on her own. Phoebe lived with her partner Charlie and Rose with...
  10. Claudia Holland

    Y37 Graduation: Guests

    Claudia couldn't believe she was here again, this time for Alice's graduation. Her daughter had grown into a beautiful and strong young lady, and Claudia was proud even if it felt like it had happened way too quickly. It was so easy to remember how her daughter had looked when they had first...
  11. Claudia Holland

    Closed Holidays at Home

    Claudia wasn't sure if she would ever get used to meeting her daughters' significant others, even though Phoebe was now living with her girlfriend it was still hard to remember sometimes that almost all of her children were adults with their own love life. Lucy was thankfully still years away...
  12. Claudia Holland

    Y36 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

    For the third time, Claudia sat in the audience of the Graduation Ceremony at Hogwarts. Rose and Phoebe had graduated a few years ago, and now it was Diana's turn. Claudia sat with her husband as she listened to Professor Alicastell's speech, followed by both the head boy and head girl. Claudia...
  13. Claudia Holland

    Muggle and Magical Q&A event! (details within)

    The event is now up It is open for anyone who signed up here, please come join us!
  14. Claudia Holland

    Muggle and Magical Q&A event! (details within)

    Signups are now closed, as are questions. Thank you to those who showed interest.